Muallem Undergoes Successful Heart Surgery in Beirut

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem, who led the regime's negotiating team at failed peace talks this year, underwent a successful heart operation in Lebanon on Friday, Syrian television reported.
Muallem, the chief diplomat of President Bashar Assad's regime throughout the three-year civil war, had undergone tests for a suspected blocked coronary artery, a medical source in the Lebanese capital told Agence France Presse.
"Doctors say the heart operation was a success, and Mr. Muallem will return to normal life in a few days," Syrian television quoted Damascus' ambassador in Beirut Ali Abdul Karim Ali as saying.
The 73-year-old was admitted to the American University of Beirut Medical Center under tight security on Thursday, the Lebanese medical source said.
"He underwent a quadruple coronary bypass in an operation lasting four hours," the source said, describing Muallem's condition as "stable" and saying he will be in hospital for a week.
Radio Liban Libre reported Muallem had been brought into the renowned Beirut hospital through an underground car park accompanied by a large number of bodyguards.
Muallem served as Syrian ambassador in Washington from 1990 to 2000 and became foreign minister in 2006.

ex fpm
absolute justice would be for us to arrest hum indict him goes to court and if sentenced we kill him or exchange him for our Lebanese citizens rotting in syrian jails

With all the high tech hospital and the amazing technological progress that this regime brought to the people of Syria, how come their politicians and rich people come to Lebanon for any complicated medical care!!! Must be the Takfiri fault.

I am negotiating with him as we speak. He will join me soon!

says a guy bashing sunnis and syrian rebels all day long...

Ha ha! Like Ribbentrop in Hotel Dieu de Paris.

they should, same as Pinochet was arrested while in London for treatement...

He should not walk out of the hospital alive or free !
Yalla, let's all to Hamra ! Surround AUBMC and arrest this criminal !
And if pro-syrian gorillas show up, eliminate them !

Already there ... come and join me with your SSNP and Hezbollah terrorists...

Oh I forgot you don't have time. Between your pro-terrorist activities and propaganda initiatives... no worries, your terrorist loving clones will be there to replace you.

Yes you are right, it would be a pity for him to die without a fair trial for his crimes along with Bashars

PS: which god should we pray to ? Kezbollah's god who holds a Kalashnikov in his hands ?

@Mowaten : "old man with a heart condition" ? Are you talking about Muallem or Aoun ?
I'm not affraid of them ... I'm affraid of the idiots that idolise them !

Isn't it slightly ironic that he is getting treatment at the AMERICAN university of Beirut medical centre?

Arrest him and deny him medical treatment the same way he and the regime do to the honorable syrian people.
Did he not read what happened to the Saudi man that died in so misterious circumstances a couple of months ago? It seems the only place the Syrians can get medical attention is with us nowadays, no one wants them anymore.
Another Sharon, another comatose patient? They look so similar these two.

good comparison...

How does Moualaam stay in his chair when its tilted so far forward?

Take him to the roof and toss him. That is the only kind of treatment this murderer deserves.

ft all over the place, happy to have u back...
What are the plans for the weekend ? Any Paddy's day parade in Beirut ?
Thanks FT, good to let us know. Take care bro.
Jerry, ana hown, but dear dear me, I've been trying my best to help this forum elevate itself to respectful levels, I guess it aint working. Well, whatever, I am one who will keep posting in my same ways, and I hope most of you brothers will follow suite. Remember, never spit against the wind.
It is AMERICAN University Hospital and it is in LEBANON.... What happened to the Syrian Regime, they don't have good doctors they can trust? Seriously; Like someone said earlier, it will be absolute justice if he calls it quit in Leb

He gave us death, should we give him life?


Minister Walid Muallem: We wish you the best success and quickest recovery from your heart surgery. We hope that upon your recovery it becomes crystal clear to you and your President that a Country like Lebanon with its world class and most advanced hospitals, doctors, medical institutions and universities are a vital lifeline to the entire Middle East and one of the greatest achievements of the Lebanese people. We urge you to respect our sovereignty and let us be and prosper without Syria's or Iran's regional interferences.

president suliman fly out for medical treatment, what does that tell u about our medical services?

How about if I tell you that Muallem did not pay the bill for his treatment. It is a pay back for the protection that the Syrian moukhabarat exercised in that area for 30 yrs while in Lebanon so that these American institutions can remain open and safe. This is why they always come back to both aub and auh because other institutions where Americans do not exist are filled with salafists and not trusted. True color of the regime that is closer and can trust the west more than anything else.
That would be absolute justice if he calls it quits in Lebanon.