ISIL Crucifies One of its Own in Syria for Corruption


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Friday executed and crucified one of its own men for corruption in Syria, a watchdog and jihadist sites said.

Photographs posted on websites showed the body and bloodied head of a bearded man with a placard reading: "Guilty: Abu Adnan al-Anadali. Sentence: execution and three days of crucifixion. Motive: extorting money at checkpoints by accusing drivers of apostasy."

The text is signed by "The prince of believers", thought to refer to ISIL chief Abu Baqr al-Baghdadi.

Before being crucified, the man was killed by three bullets to the head at Bab in the north of Aleppo province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Mainstream Syrian rebels and the al-Qaida-linked Al-Nusra Front accuse the jihadists of ISIL of responsibility for a string of atrocities.

Comments 2
Missing karim.. 10 years

Freedom and democracy, lol.

Missing phillipo 10 years

Is this what they tell us Westerners - Islam the Religion of Peace!!!