Mother, 24, Gives Birth to Quintuplets in Tyre


A 24-year-old Lebanese has given birth to premature quintuplets in the southern city of Tyre, the state-run National News Agency reported on Wednesday.

Aya Jameel Haidar had quintuplets – three girls and two boys – at the Hospital of Jabal Amel in Tyre, NNA said.

“The mother is in good health after having a caesarian section,” Doctor Kamel Yassine said.

Aya is married from Hussein Fawaz, who hails from the southern town of Debaal.

“The babies are stable, weigh between 1,000 grams and 1,300 grams and are currently at the newborn Intensive Care Unit facility,” Yassine added.

Aya's doctor Riad Ghareeb told NNA that “she was infertile and had been undergoing treatment for the past two years... Pregnancy happened in a natural way without fertilization.”

The mother called on the state to aid her and provide her and her babies with their needs amid the difficult social and economic situation.



Comments 10
Missing appletalk over 10 years

they will now need a bigger washing machine than the one they actually have. mabruk!

Default-user-icon flamethrower (Guest) over 10 years

you remind me of myself in the good old days when i was the forum's favorite

Thumb joebustani over 10 years

Five more terrorists were born that require state subsidies.

Default-user-icon Joethedouche (Guest) over 10 years

What a sectarian retard. Seriously dude?

Thumb lebanon_first over 10 years

quintuplets.... Ashraf al nass.

Thumb Gassy_29 over 10 years

Mabrouk and God bless may they be blessed with a long happy productive lives, and not end up as Iranian cannon fodder.

Thumb megahabib over 10 years

Even this gets sectarian comments, and Naharnet does not delete a single comment. Only if you criticise Geagea or Saudi Arabia...

Thumb liberty over 10 years

did it hurt your tender feelings mega hypocrite?

Thumb megahabib over 10 years

When have I criticised Sunnis for giving birth?

Thumb Maxx over 10 years

LOL. "When it rains it pours!" Mabrukeen...