Abu Faour Unveils Names of Restaurants and Firms Violating Food Safety Standards

Health Minister Wael Abu Faour raised the alarm on Tuesday over food safety in the country, warning that “the food that the Lebanese are eating is full of diseases.”
“A large number of foodstuffs firms are operating without licenses and without meeting the proper health conditions,” the minister announced at a press conference.
“Some of the food that is being consumed by the Lebanese contains remains of human feces and this is something intolerable,” Abo Faour revealed, lamenting the dire situation.
The minister noted that warnings will be addressed to the violating restaurants and fines will be imposed over practices that pose a health risk to consumers.
“I will ask the interior minister to close the sections that do not meet the proper health and hygiene conditions in all the aforementioned firms until they rectify their situations,” Abou Faour added, stressing that the ministry's campaign “is not temporary” and vowing to “disclose more names.”
The minister noted that 1,005 firms were inspected across Lebanon and that 3,600 samples were sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Revealing the names of these firms “is not aimed at defamation or at harming their business,” Abu Faour noted, emphasizing that he is only shouldering his responsibility as health minister.
“Some of the owners are my personal friends and some of them support our political party,” Abu Faour added.
In addition to contamination with bacteria and other inedible substances, the minister mentioned other violations involving “the presence of flies on the refrigerators of dairy products, the presence of open garbage bins in kitchens, workers not wearing gloves … and frying oil that was not changed for months.”
Listed below are some of the firms and products mentioned by Abu Faour:
- Hamburger meat at Fahed Supermarket, Jounieh
- Chicken breast at Hawa Chicken, Jbeil, Aley and Khalde
- Meat products at Spinneys Supermarket, Jbeil
- Meat products at Jbeil Supermarket, Jbeil
- Meat, shawarma, minced meat and sausage at Bou Khalil Supermarket, Damour
- Soujouk (hot sausage) at Bedo snack, Bourj Hammoud
- Chicken at Metro Superstore, Baabda
- Chicken at Rammal Supermarket, Baabda
- Meat at El Khawli Supermarket, Bauchrieh
- Some products at Brummana Market and al-Sultan Butchery in Metn
- Qashta (Arabic cream) at Abdul Rahman Hallab & Sons Sweets, Tripoli
- Chicken and mayonnaise at Crepina Restaurant, Tripoli
- Various products at the Dar al-Qamar, Shay w Asal and Baitna restaurants in Tripoli
- Beef, hamburger, minced meat and shish taouk at TSC Supermarket, Metn
- Meat products at al-Natour Company for Meat and Food Products, Beirut
(According to the minister, the full list of violating businesses in Beirut will be released in the next few days)

SO besides no president, slow internet, no real electricity, no real government, letting Salafist and Iranian Revolutionary Guardsman enter and manipulate Lebanon, we now have the increased risks of sepsis and JC Disease in highly populated areas! Nice work guys....thanks for the corruption.

i like your priorities

Very valid point, plus I'm sure it's not just those few places, the problem with the contamination is more widespread.

The same incomplete list is published on l'orient le jour and fr.annahar.com

It's what happens when a government turns a blind eye to the activity of others *cough, cough, captagon/fake medications*

Ah yes Southern: The king of justice himself lol.

شركة مظلوم: الطاووق، اللحمة المفرومة غير مطابقة
ملحمة السلطان البوشرية: الدجاج، اللحمة المفورمة، اللحم الأبيض غير مطابقة
معمل ومطعم بيدو: المقانق والسجق غير مطابقة
تعاونية الريمال : فروج كامل غير مطابق
مطعم الريمال النبطية: همبرغر غير مطابق".

Anonyme, faour stated in his press conference results for beirut will be out on thursday, its a phased out approach

نسيت يا وائل تذكر مجلس النواب بهل التقرير مش مطابق للمواصفات وفاتت مدته

Mokdad: Criminally charged, this is a severe health issue that affects thousands, if not the entire country. Any other country with any source of human decency would do that.

Government is responsible for the situation in the first place.

Minister Abou Faour makes me proud.

Lebanese people deserve this. They are a people without a conscience and don't feel any responsibility towards their fellow people. They have no national identity and love to inject their bodies with Botox. Their education level is very low with a miserable dirty country and no respect for the environment.

Your list of insults makes no sense! The only Lebanese person I know is my mother, and she would help anyone she could with no thought of reward or rememberance, so your description of the Lebanese is at odds with my experience. Additionally, I believe both Palestinian and Syrian refugees have been given safe haven in Lebanon. Again, the evidence is at odds with your 'statement'. There is much I could mention here in general and objective defence of the Lebanese. Nothing is perfect, but your experiences have somehow contrived to fill you with short sighted hatred. Are you sure you.are right about every Lebanese person? Please remember that hatred serves no man.
So why are these companies not fined, given a warning and if they do not fix the problem closed down!!! Same with importers of these products. In Canada, importers are forced to pay for testing food at select facilities. The same should be done in Lebanon. After some hefty fines, everyone will fall in line.