Association of Restaurant Owners: Food Scandal Shouldn't Affect Whole Sector

The head of the Association of Restaurant Owners Tony Rami considered on Wednesday that the “food scandal” revealed by Health Minister Wael Abou Faour shouldn't affect the whole sector as food safety measures vary.
“We reject any kind of defamation against any restaurant before judicial sentences and written warnings are issued,” Rami said in a statement.
He stressed that the association abides by the law and considers food safety as a priority.
“Good restaurants shouldn't be affected by the actions of corrupt ones... The sector shouldn't be subjected to defamation as safety measures vary between various logic, principles, mentalities and ministries.”
Rami noted in his statement that the food safety law hasn't been endorsed yet, stressing that there are no principles that specify the required qualifications.
“The health of citizens is the syndicate's priority.”
Abou Faour raised the alarm on Tuesday over food safety in the country, warning that “the food that the Lebanese are eating is full of diseases.”
Some popular restaurant chains and supermarkets are serving customers food contaminated with bacteria and other inedible substances, the minister said, mentioning other violations involving “the presence of flies on the refrigerators of dairy products, the presence of open garbage bins in kitchens, workers not wearing gloves … and frying oil that was not changed for months.”

It's not it, if someone with several profiles reports you, it'll get deleted, the mods don't have time to read everything as they also have other serious tasks to complete.

If what you say is true, smarty..then surely its below par.
Is it a respectable site or a busy site that cannot or does not have time to run a professional respectable site?
If they are that busy as you claim & cannot police the trolls who make 100 diff guest names per day, all they have to do is allow legit emails only & no guest names.
excuses are for the lazy & unprofessional.

Well roar, if you despise naharnet this much, why are you here?

Can you point out where you read that I despise Naharnet ?
Maybe you should take care in reading before racing to post.
What I said was just like you & most, I would like to see a clean forum & not have trolls takeover...but you seem to disagree with my idea of how to rid the forum of the trolls...wonder why?
Smarty, mine was the very post in this thread. As usual, it was free of slur of of anything that resembled it, in fact it was done in a constructive approach to Mr. Rami, basically saying why worry if a business respected the norms of safety and the law and that the honorable minister was doing a great job after all. Much to my surprise, my post was deleted. If when reports a post it gets deleted, then yaaa 3eyn, meaning that this forum ought to get "moded" in a much better way, and in live time too rather than based on electronic calculus. haven't we seen just how many clowns invade this forum daily, where is the constructiveness of it all? Sad, very sad indeed.
**Mine was the very first post...**
Smarty, The Roar did not despise Naharnet, what he is saying is perfectly legit. Naharnet ought to raise up its standards substantially. There are times when this place looks more like a Martian landscape than a good forum. basically all that's really needed is a proper way to control this place. Not a day passes by without a troll clown barging in to mock or clone other peoples' posts, yet for all I know, Naharnet is most lamentable in letting do so without the slightest hindrance. Is this what it wants? I hope not.

Roar, you did say it was unprofessional yet you are here. You claim there is lots of trolling going on, yet you're here again. So much negativeness is a good reason not to come.
About trolling, the only way to rid naharnet of this is to validate each profile with a PayPal account for $1 (which is verified) that naharnet would refund. I've had this when I order's safer and everyone can be held accountable for what he/she writes.a membership such as the one offered on lorientlejour for instance is not good e ouch.

ironic since flamethrower appeared again, all the registered fake accounts are no longer posting!

Smarty, to answer the question of why, Roar exhibits Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so it's only his view from his mighty throne in Australia that matters, and like a typical reaction, will respond with insults even with the slightest disagreement of his views. The hypocrisy? How many fake accounts are created from opposing views, but they're not trolls right?
@Blabla you know? I sometimes get that same feeling, so the blame lays with the mod team for not doing their work properly, had they, all this wouldn't be happening. Thanks for bringing it to the surface.

Blablabla posted names and addresses of people related to naharnet, totally irresponsible, endangering lives. A free press disturbs him, he prefers those associated to Syrian or Iranian regimes.

+1 @blablabla

Standard health regulations and laws, it's that simple. The country's in a bad enough state after all the garbage it let in food and otherwise. Especially it shouldn't be down played as this is a sever health issue now risking the general population. Show some decency.

Whats standard health regulations, elemental? how can you say standard when laws need to be drawn up first...each country has different regulations...for instance, eating the famous Lebanese dish of raw meat in Australia is deemed a very serious health risk....
On the subject of meat, in Australia a slaughtered animal must be refrigerated for a min of 48 hours at a certain temp...I am led to believe that in lebanon the animal is killed , hung out & cut the same day..some are hung on the street with flies etc....make laws for all before you make a publicity stunt like this.

It's called common sense.

I'm not surprised! No electricity, no water to wash after going to the toilet... It's mathematics and is pure logic. Which minister should we thank? Mr fatmagül sultan?

I wish that all the ministers in the govt took their job as seriously and worked as hard as minister Abou Faour.

they said on the news that beirut was currently under study

I see some implants disagree
A constructive post just deleted. Makes you wonder why trolls' are left intact, some mods...