Report: Hariri to Mark 10th Assassination Anniversary of his Father in Person

Head of al-Mustaqbal Movement and former Prime Minister Saad Hariri might reportedly attend the anniversary of his father's assassination at the BIEL exhibition center in downtown Beirut on February 14.
According to An Nahar newspaper published on Tuesday, Hariri is mulling to give his speech in person instead of appearing via video link.
Al-Mustaqbal sources told the newspaper that Hizbullah is not invited to the event, which will include 6,000 guests, despite the ongoing dialogue between the two parties.
Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal kicked off on December 23 a dialogue at Ain el-Tineh under the sponsorship of Speaker Nabih Berri to defuse tension between Shiites and Sunnis.
The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is tackling the 2005 assassination of Rafik Hariri and 22 others during a major bombing in Beirut. The tribunal is currently listening to the testimonies of a number of witnesses who were close to Hariri in the months preceding the assassination.
It has so far indicted five Hizbullah members of being involved in the crime.
Hizbullah has denounced the tribunal as an American-Zionist entity aimed at destroying it.
The party's chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has vowed that the suspects, who are still at large, will never be found.

Still waiting for your evidence geha.

if for nothing else: the cost of the destruction due to their war as well as, the mismanagement of the country since they took over the country.

The mouthpiece wants evidence:)

You forgot the government is represented by all parties of Lebanon geha.

now the government is representative of most, but previously and for several years it was not.

oh now you say the government is represented by all parties and suddenly you see that. When your hizb declares wars or changes the rules of engagement with Israel or decides to go to war in Syria what happens to the government? Suddenly, your hizb sees no government, no army, no other parties.

@Mystic, the evidence is there look for it Houthis wont get away easily with todays technology, as in cctv cameras on streets, stores and banks. satellites, wire taps, Tracking devices. The evidence is all there. enough is enough!

Then how come the U.S rejected to show sattelite images from the incident?

just remember how syrian killed lebanese presidents... the very same way hariri was killed, funny no?

excellent point you make!

Very good comments above
god bless you

how can anyone refute your statements with all the evidence you just presented. It's a wonder you are not at the STL showing the world how illegitimate and fake the stl is. Must be because the STL does not want to be proven wrong.

how can anyone refute your statements with all the evidence you just presented. It's a wonder you are not at the STL showing the world how illegitimate and fake the stl is. Must be because the STL does not want to be proven wrong.
hizbushaitan has harmed this country to an extreme extent, and they are still continuing on the same path.