Jumblat Praises Hariri for Defending Hizbullah-Mustaqbal Dialogue but March 8 Slams his Speech


Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat has said it was important for Hizbullah and al-Mustaqbal movement to stick to their dialogue to resolve several issues.

“What's important is for the dialogue between al-Mustaqbal and Hizbullah to continue,” said Jumblat in remarks published in As Safir daily on Monday.

He praised al-Mustaqbal movement chief ex-PM Saad Hariri for holding onto the talks that the two parties launched in December.

Hariri spoke on Saturday during a rally commemorating the 10th anniversary of the assassination of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

He said the talks with Hizbullah were “a national necessity” to defuse sectarian tensions.

Hariri also stressed that the Lebanese state should have jurisdiction over decisions of war and peace and criticized Hizbullah over its presence in Syria which he described as an act of madness.

The party has sent its fighters to the neighboring country to help the forces loyal to President Bashar Assad against the rebels seeking to topple him.

In his remarks to As Safir, Jumblat called for adopting a pragmatic approach to resolving controversial issues, including the filling of the fourth basin at Beirut Port, the security plan in the eastern Bekaa Valley, limiting tension and building dams.

He stressed that “bigger policies are not made by us.”

Jumblat was referring to regional and world powers.

As Safir also quoted March 8 alliance leaders as saying that Hariri's speech was aimed at stressing his loyalty to the new Saudi leadership.

“If he is accusing the party of shoving Lebanon into an axis against another, then what right he has to push Lebanon into Riyadh's axis,” the leaders, who were not identified, wondered.

Saudi King Salman acceded to the throne in January after the death of King Abdullah.

Comments 26
Thumb EagleDawn 10 years

"the leaders, who were not identified, wondered."
Sounds like mowaten talking to As Safil newspaper.

Thumb nickjames 10 years

Lmao good joke.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

Me, an m8 "leader"? I'm flattered that you think so.

Thumb EagleDawn 10 years

you and your likes are dime a dozen

Thumb justin 10 years

Nothing will come out of any dialogue with this party that takes its orders from Iran.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

lol - says the israeli shill

Default-user-icon puppet (Guest) 10 years

I respect Mr. report.man, Mr. tripoli_you_say, and Mr. the_roar equally for their honesty and integrity. I also respect Mr. Southern for his linguistic abilities and Mr. Mystic for his grammar.

Thumb geha 10 years

loyalty is to our country and our flag.

anyone loyal to another country is a traitor.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 10 years

My friend, lebanon is broke financially and any country that contributes financially to lebanon is welcome and should be acknowleged at any opportunity or would you rather just hand it over to israel.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

“I share my deep condolences with the Saudi people and call on the Lebanese people to mourn him in all regions to express loyalty to a man who never hesitated to support Lebanon”

Geha can you guess who this traitor is?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

There might be some level of "guilt" but to say it is "equal" would be wrong by a long shot. Hezbollah's loyalty to Khamenei is spiritual not political, just as Catholics have a spiritual loyalty to the Pope.

And politically, Hezbollah demonstrated time and again that their loyalty is to Lebanon, in words but also deeds. Besides, how can anyone who dies defending his country not be patriotic, regardless of who his spiritual leader is?

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

It's your right to disagree, but not to make up false stats. The majority of HA funding comes from lebanese supporters. The exact numbers are not known, but even according to the US Iran's funding to HA does not exceed 40-60 million $ /year. Not even close to Saudi funding of mustaqbal

Thumb ex-fpm 10 years

hehehe! Gotta give it to you mowaten: your are a true loyal propagandist. I mean who can make those wild statements and keep a straight face!

Thumb ashtah 10 years

But why is it mowaten when the USA arrests a "Lebanese" and accuses him of funding HA you are the first one to laugh it off.... (.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

is that the best you can do to dodge the point ex-fpm? all my statements are verifiable and your pointless rant is laughable.

Missing humble 10 years

The bearded civilization goes back to dark ages and has no respect for human value, women consideration, or differing faith or believes. Look at Iran and see what is happening on a daily basis.
People like Mastica wants to have a Teheran-on-sea and an Islamic Republic in Lebanon. When they deny it, they are using their Taqqiya to lie.

Thumb nickjames 10 years

He stressed that “bigger policies are not made by us.”

Jumblat was referring to regional and world powers.

- You don't say!

Missing coolmec 10 years

I wish this guy would just shut up. He is wothless

Default-user-icon samleb (Guest) 10 years

Are you guys 6th graders? The level of stupidity is incredible.

Who are we kidding? Both parties have been and continue to be involved in the Syrian issues. Mustaqbal was actually first in harboring terrorists in and out of Syria and defending them through some of their poisonous MPs.

You guys living in Lebanon are actually clueless of what life really is. Put aside your differences and stop spewing hatred. There's actually a real world out there where people co-exist and live in peace without constantly accusing one another. Tfou 3alaikom mana sha3eb.

Default-user-icon shialeb (Guest) 10 years

so well said @sameleb(Guest) specially the part where you take the high moral ground and say "Mustaqbal was actually first in harboring terrorists in and out of Syria and defending them through some of their poisonous MPs."

As an honored guest with 100 aliases, you hit the nail on the head and proved your objectivity. Well done!

Missing humble 10 years

Message to the followers of the Caporal : you keep insulting Hariri, Saudi Arabia and the Wahhabis. But your Caporal has many times declared: "we have always been friends with Saudi Arabia". Then he went to Saudi Arabia for the funerals of King Abdallah.
Your boss has been kissing their hands and licking their .....for the past year.
So you have two options : 1) start insulting your boss for betraying you, or 2) shut your mouth and FOLLOW.

Thumb _mowaten_ 10 years

1- Saying facts about hariri, saudis, and wahhabis is not "insulting", but if you find the facts to be insulting, then there is something wrong about those people.

2- Your claim about Aoun is bogus, here is what he actually said:
“We do not want to be adversaries with Saudi Arabia,” Aoun said, “rather we want the closest possible friendship. When we criticize some things, this is due to the behavior of some politicians in Lebanon.” https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/archive/aoun_we_seek_friendship_with_saudi_arabia

Missing humble 10 years

I quoted the declaration of the Caporal when he invited the Saudi Ambassador for lunch at Rabiyeh.
yes you keep insulting Saudi Arabia (I am not defending them, I do not care the least) but this is to show the degree of your brainwashing.

Thumb the_roar 10 years

SF, don't bother...Most on here have agendas..mostly hate to be precise.

I am the first to criticize Mr jumblat for his errors...he himself apologized for mistakes he has made.

But at the moment, he & his block are by far the most productive for Lebanon...Yet these haters will not post as much, but rather their in built hatred spewed on these forums over & over.

Default-user-icon wolf.the_roar (Guest) 10 years

when will @wolfe post? Please, don't retire him for the sake of your new aliases, Please!

Default-user-icon speakteezly (Guest) 10 years

well said @freespeakly