Geagea: Lebanon’s Security Being Jeopardized for Sake of One Party


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stated on Friday that Lebanon is passing through an “unenviable” phase given the weak security situation and lack of justice and an incompetent state.

He said during the LF students’ graduation ceremony: “It’s natural that the security of a country be destabilized, but for it to be destabilized on a daily basis for the sake of one party is unacceptable.”

“It’s natural for political assassinations to take place in countries throughout the world, but it is unprecedented for a government to refuse to persecute the criminals and for some of its members to harbor them,” he added.

Furthermore, he noted: “Worst of all is having a government that wastes no time in condemning any enemy violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty, but that remains silent and subservient to the violations of Lebanon’s fraternal state.”

The LF leader made this statement in reference to the Syrian army’s recent infiltrations into Lebanese territory where it said it was chasing Syrians who had fled into Lebanon.

“It is as if we have become orphaned in a country without guards, borders, sovereignty, and dignity,” Geagea stressed.

On state appointments, he lamented the fact that the March 8-dominated government would appoint an individual to a position as an act of gratitude for that person’s certain political stand.

He made this remark in reference to former minister Adnan Sayyed Hussein’s appointment as the president of the Lebanese University.

The March 14 camp blames Sayyed Hussein for playing a major role in the toppling of the Saad Hariri government, which was overthrown in January when the March 8 camp ministers and Sayyed Hussein resigned.

At the time, Sayyed Hussein was not considered to be affiliated with either of the rival March 8 and 14 political camps.

“We are now living in one of Lebanon’s darkest periods, but one must remember that the darkest hour of night is always followed by the bright dawn,” Geagea added.

Addressing regional developments, he stated: “The Arab Spring will mark the end of a dark period in the region’s history and pave the way for a time of freedom, democracy, diversity, justice, and truth.”

“Our future will not remain hostage to any side, but it is counting on our will and commitment to freedom and Man in Lebanon and the East,” he stressed.

Comments 24
Thumb jabalamel over 12 years

weekly lady gaga mumbling....

hey wait he knows what he's talking about....he's talking about his own history...when all lebanon has been dragged to a civil war for sake of kataeb who than invited syrians and later zionists to help them!!!!

Thumb canaanite over 12 years

One of the few people leading trying to lead this country in the right direction.

Democracy without militias.

Thumb geha over 12 years

@ habal kamel
you know what is the problem? they appointed a head of the LU who speaks only Arabic, no other language!
how does this make you feel? proud?
well this is the worst thing that could have happened.

Thumb jabalamel over 12 years


it's the first time i hear that information.
if it's true it's sad but it's unlikely to be true because all lebanese children french and in later years english.

if you were lebanese, you would know that.

Default-user-icon Farkashji (Guest) over 12 years

And this one party is called Hariri Mafia and his Christian Sunnis, Incorporated, collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon, be it Syria at the height of its occupation or Israel forever.

Thumb jabalamel over 12 years

he and his kind have a big problem in understanding the "majority".

like how you cannot have guaranteed 6:5 ratio if you are not majority anymore

Thumb geha over 12 years

I give up: you are too stupid to even understand a basic matther.

Missing future_vision over 12 years

Geagea ma fi metlak !!!

Geagea for PRESIDENT in 2014 !!! ONE strong Lebanese State

ONE army !! NO MILITIA !!

Thumb Bandoul over 12 years

@ jabal habal, I guess someone had a bad lunch and vomited this disgusting puddle of je ne sais quoi that is YOU….stay right there dear, I am coming over with a bucket 90 % Dettol and 10 % water to mop you up. What a sorry F’up you are. A real sorry excuse for a human being that belongs in the sewer.

Missing allouchi over 12 years

God bless you ya Hakim, what you said is the truth and the truth hurts the evil doers. M8 followers refuse to see the truth even if it bites them in the face. Many Many Shia are against hizb and amal thugs and they love Lebanon more than Iran or Syria but can’t do much about it, you see the gun is also pointed at them and if you speak against hizb you get harassed, killed or even kidnapped but sooner or later the people of free Lebanon will unite and destroy hizb and their thugs.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) over 12 years

You know nothing about politics, you are a killer and your place should be with Jumblat, Hassoona, Aoun and Beri in Jail with criminals. You are selfish like them and you have did the same thing for power in past killed many christians over that, why should we Lebanese trust you Geagea

Thumb ithinkthere14iam over 12 years

Talking perfectly nd so strong

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) over 12 years

hakim: the rock of loubnan el horr. dont make the mistake of saado,soft is not the medicine, bashar is weaker by the day, and may 7th is too heavy.

Thumb jabalamel over 12 years

lady gaga will be president of lebanon from parallel universe.

Thumb jabalamel over 12 years

bandoul also said something.

who cares

Default-user-icon Reader (Guest) over 12 years

Jesus @Jabalamel, you make no sense when you talk. Try making a point for once instead of throwing out insults and rambling nonsense.

Default-user-icon Reader (Guest) over 12 years

Jesus @Jabalamel, you make no sense when you talk. Try making a point for once instead of throwing out insults and rambling nonsense.

Thumb thepatriot over 12 years

seems to me that you fear Geagea as much as you fear "young sami" huh!? ;-D

Thumb will_rogers over 12 years

Good for you Hakim. You always have and always will "say it like it is", that's what we love about you, "No Sugar coating" here. Unlike the March 8 TRAITORS (of course including the Biggest Christian Traitor of all Mr. Cloun & Sheep), Destroyers of Lebanon, and well-known Agents of the "Basij" and "Shabbiha".

Thumb joesikemrex over 12 years

Its time we started another resistance party, one to really free Lebanon.

Thumb jabalamel over 12 years

oh did i say mr. war criminal?
he's actually mr. war and peace criminal.

remember, he spent time in prison for killing and bombing AFTER the civil war.
which he ended as a syrian ally...

Thumb shab over 12 years

he always speaks the truth as a genuine Lebanese, only thinking of Lebanon. I wish there were more like him.

Thumb jabalamel over 12 years

the zionist information war department is in heavy halucinatory state.

the idea that i'm afraid of mr. war criminal and mr. big mouth chicken is totaly absurd because they are both mr. no one.

and here it is again from will rogers (iran iran iran iran iran...).

and they they claim i'm afraid. you are afraid. `and you should be afraid.

Missing startrip over 12 years

Word to the wise. Avoid wrestling with pig. You'll both get dirty, but the pig will like it.
Executive Director, ZIWD