Sfeir Doesn’t Object to al-Rahi’s Remarks, Stresses Bkirki Hasn’t Changed

Former Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir said Sunday that he doesn’t reject Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s remarks on Hizbullah’s arms and the situation in Syria, stressing that he is “not against” the head of the Maronite church.
In remarks to Voice of Lebanon radio station (93.3), Sfeir said: “We are with what he says and we are not against him.”
“I used to be the patriarch but I have resigned and I am out of the game,” he said in response to a question.
“I have my opinion and I express it inside the council of bishops … There is another patriarch now and he leads the patriarchate,” Sfeir added.
Asked if al-Rahi made his controversial statements upon orders from the Vatican, the cardinal told VDL: “I don’t know if there are instructions or not.”
However, he stressed that Bkirki hasn’t changed and doesn’t think it would change now.
Al-Rahi sparked controversy during his visit to Paris when he linked the fate of Hizbullah’s arms to the liberation of the remaining Israeli-occupied Lebanese territories. He also said Syrian President Bashar Assad should be given the chance to introduce his promised reforms.
Al-Rahi fears that the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power would threaten the existence of Christians in the region.

“I have my opinion and I express it inside the council of bishops … There is another patriarch now and he leads the patriarchate,” Sfeir added.
Batrak Sfeir is just being polite and supporting the Patriarchiate despite having his "own opinion"...
All maronites should support the Patriarch and if we diagree with his views, we should discuss them with him to gain understanding.

any news of Rahi's "pastoral" visit to the US by the way?
haven't heard/read one word about it.
I guess it's so pastoral that no civilan saw/welcomed him.

EX Batrak Sfeir that became a normal priest of his little village , should stop talking to the press . His Beatitude should order him to close his mouth , and to move outside Bkirki and go and live in his mountain .

monseigneur cardinal sfeir is opening a way to batrak rahi to adjust, and he will do.
maronites are not a fatwa sect.

ha ha le Pheni caught with his pants down again...petit metwal si tu était maronite tu saurai que Sfeir est encore Cradinal et non curé de village...
And BALLA what changes if he objects? The now-defunct March 14, aka Hariri's Christian Sunnis, will get another orgasm? They are shooting blanks anyway and into oblivion. See YA!