Rifi Meets al-Rif’s Family: His Case Should Be Kept Away from Politics


Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi held talks on Monday with the family of slain stabbing victim George al-Rif, condemning the “unjustified” crime.

He stressed the need to keep the issue “away from politics and petty personal interests.”

He vowed before the relatives that he will order to the General Prosecution and concerned judicial authorities to speed up investigations in the case.

The minister stressed the need to restore “the authority of the state” and to “allow it to protect the people.”

Al-Rif was stabbed by Tareq Yatim on Thursday following a traffic dispute.

Yatim, who was riding on a motorcycle, chased al-Rif, who was traveling in a car, from the airport road to Ashrafieh where he stabbed him in the street.

Al-Rif, a father of four, was critically injured and later succumbed to his injuries.

Yatim has since been arrested and he confessed to his crime.

Comments 5
Thumb -phoenix1 over 9 years

Mr. Rifi, this Tarek Yatim is a criminal, a killer. He has killed some two years ago a motorcycle dealer in Jdeideh. He has cut off someone else's ear, shot at people in nightclubs, committed so many crimes, now has killed George Al Rif. Al Rif was running away from him at all times, yet Yatim killed him in front of many chickens in Ashrafieh, why? Now dear Mr. Rifi, if you, or the state don't do anything, if this criminal is going to be let lose again making it twice, then take heed, it will become to duty of any decent patriot to rid our society of this trash. Take heed Mr. Rifi, if the state fails, militias will happily fill the void. We the people demand that Tarek Yatim be hung and in public, and we want it this week, if not, the writing is now clear on the wall, blood for blood and nothing less. No more thuggery, no more.

Thumb zahle1 over 9 years

its an embarrassment there are Lebanese like this

Default-user-icon Msakkar Rassi (Guest) over 9 years

We need answers to why he wasn't arrested previously with his murderous friends.
Elie Naaman, his brother and George Al Rif need answers.
The death penalty mustn't be brought back though, we should't let this murderer bring back capital punishment to Lebanon. Lock him up and throw away the key.

Missing un520 over 9 years

A certain bankier with a certain political view certainly had a personal interest of having this thug employed even after his previous crimes. So, why on earth should we forget about his petty personal interests now? And while we are at it, we cant forget the impotence of the ISF either in this matter. Excuse us, but we are fed up of the fact that somebody didnt do their job in this case.

Default-user-icon Delilah (Guest) over 9 years

Check your infos dudes...Yatim was chased by El Rif and his wife over a road altercation...Do you even know who this guy Tarek is? I do i have documented him over 5 years during trips to Lebanon.They tried playing heroes with an epileptic guy...This is what happens when you provoke an out of control raging 200 pounds. Yatim always has a knife because he was attacked and left to bleed in 2001 I have portraits of him showing the scar.He occasionally works as a body guard he is a street guy barely has any dough. Now he is being used as a scapegoat to cover up and diffuse a situation in a non existing country. There are no such things as journalism or investigation in such places.