Israeli Official Says Iran Trying to Transfer State-of the-Art Arms to Hizbullah


Iran is seeking to transfer state-of the-art weaponry from storehouses in Syria to Hizbullah, the Israeli Foreign Ministry director-general Dore Gold told The Jerusalem Post from Berlin.

The weapons include the SA-22 (Pantsir- S1) air defense system and the Y‑akhont anti-ship cruise missile, said Gold, who is on his first trip to a European capital for high-level talks.

He told the Jerusalem Post that he explained to German officials how the regional situation has become more complicated as a result of the nuclear deal signed last month between major powers and Iran.

According to Gold, Iran has made efforts to transfer arms to Hizbullah, amid attempts over the last six months to set up a Hizbullah front against Israel in the Golan Heights.

If this type of activity has been going on for the last six months, Gold asked, “then what happens when the sanctions on Iran are lifted, and they get a cash bonus of up to $150 billion?”

He answered: “Iran will then be equipped to radically increase its destabilizing activities along Israel’s borders.”

After the deal was signed by Iran and six global powers in Vienna, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has been furiously lobbying U.S. lawmakers, holding out hope Congress will vote against it by a strong enough margin to override any presidential veto.



Comments 9
Default-user-icon illegitimate & illiterate.southern (Guest) over 9 years

expert at analysis
breaking norms
well said southern

Thumb freedomarch over 9 years

You forgot the most important trait: beside being Traitor Southern is Fabulous ♡

Thumb canadianpaul over 9 years

The only solution is for Israel to proactively attack Hizbullah. The major part of their fighting units are in Syria now, and a direct attack from the South will basically bring Hizbullah to their knees.

Missing coolmec over 9 years

@Canadian paul
So you are advocating war in Lebanon? No thanks Lebanon has had enough war and destruction. Let's advocate peace and economic growth. I feel it is a better path

Thumb -phoenix1 over 9 years

Southern, people like you, or your organization called Hezbollah and those who are allied to you are the best allies of Israel, Israel is in fact Your Raison d'Etre. You people keep bombarding us with your anti-Israel rhetoric, yet all your guns are pointed at the the real Syrian opposition that is aiming to change matters in Syria, and not at the enemies of the civilized world, Daesh, IS and ISIS, how come??!! How come Hezbollah doesn't seem to face off with the Islamist radicals, how? And how come them the radicals don't ever shoot one simple bullet at Israel. You lot may want to fool the world forever, but the world is not dumb, people know the tricks you use to stay around, Israel needs you and you need Israel, end of story, so please, do stop that charade, please.

Thumb barrymore over 9 years

ROFL @ norma.jean!:)))

Thumb -phoenix1 over 9 years

Tric, you need medical assistance, I am worried for you.

Default-user-icon Darwr101 (Guest) over 9 years

Israel is only interested in its own security...what happens in neighboring states does not matter as long as it is not affected by it.

Default-user-icon Western Observer (Guest) over 9 years

How can people here openly criticize Hezbollah for accepting weapons shipments from Iran while not criticizing Israel for accepting truly State of the Art Weapons shipments from the United States?

And when all this is put into historical perspective free of any religious and or ethnic bias we can easily conclude that Israel started the problem with the Lebanese when it invaded Lebanon through the South of Lebanon and carried on to Beirut during Yaser Arafat's days. Even after Arafat and his men were no longer an issue for Israel within Lebanon the Israelis continued to occupy Lebanon and eventually Hezbollah was born. C'mon people-- get real.