Hollande Postpones Beirut Trip


Prime Minister Tammam Salam has announced that French President Francois Hollande decided to postpone his trip to Beirut to ensure its success.

Hollande delayed his visit “probably to November until the circumstances that guarantee the success of the trip are available,” Salam said in New York.

“Hollande has not stopped making contacts concerning the presidential issue,” he said about the vacuum at Baabda Palace.

The presidential palace has been vacant since the term of President Michel Suleiman ended in May last year.

The Baabda deadlock has caused parliament's paralysis and huge differences among cabinet members on controversial issues.

Hollande had announced that he would visit Beirut after the end of the U.N. General Assembly session in New York.

Salam has been meeting with top Arab and world leaders on the sidelines of the session.

Comments 5
Missing humble over 9 years

All because of a caporal corrupt and traitor...

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

eh sure, even your constipation is due to him

Thumb _mowaten_ over 9 years

3amro ma yeje

Default-user-icon PEACE (Guest) over 9 years

Whoever tries to reconciliate crazy people becomes mad himself.
This is a valid reason for Hollande not to come to Lebanon at all

Default-user-icon Hassan (Guest) over 9 years

this is a Suadi french poodle just like MTV MBC LDC France Jaja and abu bakr al Baghdadi ,, The Saudis need Lebanon ..