Jumblat: Progress Will Be Made on Lebanon when Iran Sanctions are Lifted

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat stated that any improvement in political developments in Lebanon is linked to a regional agreement, most notably between Saudi Arabia and Iran, reported al-Akhbar newspaper on Wednesday.
He told the daily: “Iran is not in a hurry to resolve Lebanon's presidential deadlock. Once the West's sanctions against Tehran are lifted, then we can talk.”
“When Iranian officials say that they support whatever the Lebanese agree to, they mean that they do not want this agreement at the moment,” explained Jumblat.
“I believe that we need to have a president otherwise the state will be in danger,” he noted.
“I don't think that it is in Iran, Saudi Arabia or anyone else's interest to have the fragmentation of the state in Lebanon as we see today,” he continued.
Lebanon has been without a president since May 2014 when the term of Michel Suleiman ended without the election of a successor.
Ongoing disputes between the rival March 8 and 14 camps over a compromise candidate have thwarted the polls.

Jumbo: you are dreaming...or finding excuses to your behavior.

Once the West's sanctions against Tehran "are lifted, then we can talk.”
Then what was the point of all your initiatives if we can't even resolve the issue until Iran's sanctions are lifted??

“I don't think that it is in Iran, Saudi Arabia or anyone else's interest to have the fragmentation of the state in Lebanon as we see today,” he continued.
It has always been everyone's interest to keep Lebanon fragmented. Lebanon has been fragmented almost the entire time since "independence" in 1943. A strong Lebanon is against everyone's interest Jumbo...

“Iran is not in a hurry to resolve Lebanon's presidential deadlock. Once the West's sanctions against Tehran are lifted, then we can talk.” Translated into normal people language: "when iran sanctions are lifted, then we can talk bribes to end presidential deadlock."
Your hand is open and ready ya Jumblatt! Then you can remove your "presidential candidate" Helou and vote for one of the real candidates! Weren't you suppose to retire from politics and have your son Tamour replace you 4 years ago?

how can there be a president elected without compensation to Jumblatt, Berri and Murr and the rest of the mafia? How ignorant are we to expect anything else? Its all Aoun and Geagea's fault. The Maronites are Jins el Aetl

All I can say Lebanon is wait until Obama is out of office and we will be right back.

Jumblat: Progress Will Be Made on Lebanon when Iran Sanctions are Lifted
this confirms that KSA is behind the obstruction.
This statement means: we politicians have no comppetence, no dignity our actions and decision making are based on foreign orders and commands.