MEA Pilots Delay Flights Over Layoff


Pilots at Lebanon's national carrier are delaying outgoing flights to protest a decision by the company's administration to fire a pilot who is undergoing medical treatment.

The pilots union said in a statement on Friday that all Middle East Airlines flights departing between 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm to the Gulf will be delayed by two hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The union launched the protest after the company laid off a veteran 60-year-old pilot who had been undergoing cancer treatment.

MEA has been trying to rebuild its image as one of the region's top airlines following years of civil war and the global financial crisis.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon داني (Guest) 13 years

للأسف هذا ما يفكر فيه الكثير من اللبنانيين -انا لبناني- وهو حصر العالم بنقطة مركزية وهي الأنا عوضاً عن نحن، فهؤلاء الطيارون إنم يضربون دفاعا‘ن نفسهم ولا يهمهم الرطاب المهم ان لا يتأسروا هم كيف يرضون أن يركبوا طائرة دون ان تكون حالته الصحية 100% على الاقل يكفي استهتارا بالناس من أجل أشخاصكم، واحترموا القرارات الصائبة

Default-user-icon sara tomb (Guest) 13 years

The comment above is nonesense as the pilots are not asking for the pilot to be permitted to fly again but for his legal rights to be fulfilled and not breached like it is the case today. The pilot has been fired during his sick leave and his entitled salaries were not paid. Today the pilots are requesting his sick leave to remain untouched and for his medical situation to be assessed once the treatment is completed. It is disgusting to see that someone who has served the company for almost 40 years is just dismissed WITHOUT BEING NOTIFIED OF THE LATTER and with no sign of gratitude and moral support from the management. I find it very shocking and very cheap. I would have expected, not only labor law to apply but way beyong that, a human touch that is inexistent. MEA is being criticised by everyone, including passengers. People are not stupid and will not be fooled by the fact MEA management is pretending to ''protect the passengers'' from the sickness as this is irrelevant.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 13 years

Dear Dany,
We are not questioning the safety of the flights. We are criticizing the management for laying off an employee after 38 years of service for medical reasons. A wise management would have approached the issue differently to assure the pilot himself and send a message to the others that their company can take care of them and their family while they fulfill their duty in the air and preserve the life of the passengers. Shame of you MEA. You are sending the bad message to all Lebanese using your bad services only because you are our national carrier. Continue like this and we will start asking ourselves why we should make you richer!!! MEA inhuman and without any recognition to someone who serve you all his life.....