Harb Says a Referendum is a Way to Evade the Elections


MP Boutros Harb stated that a suggestion made by President Michel Aoun to introduce a referendum shall political parties fail to agree on a new electoral law, is a “method of circumventing the polls.”

“Nothing prevents the parliament from approving a draft referendum for the polls as suggested by President Aoun, but the idea of a referendum is a way of circumventing the elections,” Harb said in an interview with VDL (93.3).

The MP lamented that political parties have failed so far to meet on common ground “we were not able to agree on an electoral draft law, how would we be able to agree on a referendum?”

Harb ruled out the possibility that a new electoral law approved by all parties would be found before the constitutional deadline.

He warned that shall parties fail to find a consensual format, it “would lead to the demolition of the entire political system.”

“Endeavors have failed so far because none of the political parties succeeded at finding a 'magic format' that meets approval of all,” added the MP.

President Michel Aoun warned Friday that he would propose a popular “referendum” should the political forces fail to agree on a new electoral law.

“Any electoral law must be based on unified standards and I will propose a referendum should we reach a dead end,” Aoun told a delegation from the Syndicate of Press Editors.

Comments 4
Thumb chrisrushlau 7 years

The referendum should ask, Shall Article 24's set-aside of half of Parliament to Christians be replaced with "one person, one vote" also known as majority rule with minority rights and removing sectarianism from electoral law in Lebanon?
I'm glad to see Harb standing up stright.

Missing imagine_1979 7 years

I admire ur sense of democracy and wish for a just representation based on the fact that all lebanese should be considered as equal despite their religious appartenance hence no more article 24 or any discrimination based on believes... This is admirable dear friend..
But don't u think that to achieve democracy maybe we should start by desarming sectarian millicias?... Just to see what democracy u are talking about...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 7 years

"Alternative defense" I must admit that this is a novel way of describing a militia that usurped the state. My problem with one person one vote is that Muslims keep showing themselves not worthy of that right.

Missing imagine_1979 7 years

There can be no real democracy if people can be contrain under by an armed millicia to vote for them, this armed iranian millicia can kill and daylight without being bothered (hachem salman couldn't even get a decent funeral bc of hibollah banned it) this fanatic retarded millicia imposes its way of living (aka banning feyrouz songs in the lebanese public university even without the need to take up arms..) and the list is long (7ayar, black shirts..)
And u come talk about democracy? About free change? Are u for real man????