Jumblat Says Proportional Representation Must Preserve 'Partnership'

Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat on Sunday renewed his reservations over the proportional representation electoral system, noting that he would back such a law only if it preserves an accepted level of “partnership.”
“The best thing is clarity. Yes to proportional representation that achieves the minimum requirements of partnership and no to a proportional representation law that leads to divorce and isolation,” Jumblat tweeted.
“Enough with the outsmarting attempts and our patience is very long,” he added.
Jumblat has repeatedly rejected proportional representation, warning that it would “marginalize” his minority Druze community, whose presence is concentrated in the Chouf and Aley districts.
In a recent conference for his Progressive Socialist Party, Jumblat called for implementing the reforms stipulated by the 1989 Taef Accord or holding the elections under an “amended” version of the controversial 1960 electoral law.
The Druze later announced that he might accept a so-called hybrid electoral law that mixes proportional representation with the winner-takes-all system.

Did anyone check the proposition of Mowatinoun wa Mowatinat fi Dawla? I thought it was quite an interesting departure from the current sterile debate and a good way to gradually move to a secular state based on the willingness of citizens.

Did anyone check the proposition of Mowatinoun wa Mowatinat fi Dawla? I thought it was quite an interesting departure from the current sterile debate and a good way to gradually move to a secular state based on the willingness of citizens.
Walid's "partnership" is the same endorsed by Lebanon's Minister of Fashion Defence, Patriarch al Rahi, and others, which consists of the Shia majority agreeing to let the Christian minority have half the seats in Parliament (via Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution). When did the Shia majority agree to this? Naharnet offers one key detail: it is an "unwritten agreement". It's a standard legal form: when one nation invades another nation without cause, the invaded nation becomes the junior partner in the new partnership. When a mugger attacks a child, the child becomes the junior partner in the new relationship. When you let someone lie to you, you become the junior partner. It's called co-dependency.