Aoun Chairs Meeting on Israel Theft of Lebanon Water, Says Country Won't Bow to Pressures

President Michel Aoun chaired a meeting of a committee tasked with addressing solutions to Israel's theft of Lebanon's water resources, the National News Agency reported on Tuesday.
The Baabda Palace meeting was held in the presence of Energy and Water Minister Cesar Abi Khalil, NNA said.
"Lebanon cannot give up its rights in its territory and water for any reason and it will not bow to the pressures that are being exerted on it," Aoun stressed during the meeting.
"Lebanon will take the necessary measures to put an end to the encroachment on its water, because water security is equally important as military, economic and social security," the president added.
Since its invasion of Lebanon in 1982, Israel has reportedly been taking more or less water from Lebanon's Litani River.
During the 1982 occupation of Lebanon the Israelis benefited from the Wazzani and the Litani’s waters, transferring water from them to Israel.
Moreover, reports say that in 1989 Israel installed pipes withdrawing from the Hasbanai and Wazzani rivers.

Aoun Chairs Meeting Addressing Israel's Theft of Lebanon's Water
now it makes sense! The reason we have no running water in our homes is because of Israel. Got it....

you obviously do not live in lebanon... LOL

i wonder why the troll stopped posting under his mowaten alias?

Israel is probably steeling our Electricity too!

Not that smart... the ones stealing the electricity are Ebola smarty pants... I read an audit that has been made by EDF (Electricité de France) in the 90's... 30% of the electricity was not paid and 24% not invoiced... all in Ebola areas...
But now we have an even bigger problem... Imbassil is trying to steal 800M in commission for crappy Turkish boats... and you acll me an Israeli apologist... you are an apologist of idiocy, worse, you are a sheep that follows blindly instead of informing yourself... your stupidity is more accomodationg I am sure...

Which kuluna-lilwatan are you from? Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iraq .....Certainly not Lebanon, Oh no!
I have the utmost respect and admiration for general aoun who is now president for chairing a meeting of a committee tasked with addressing solutions to Israel's theft of Lebanon's water resources.
I admire him further for NOT chairing a meeting to address his ministers' theft of Lebanon's resources.
Last but not least, my admiration of general aoun is further justified for making the FPM the 3rd Shia Force in Lebanon.