Nahhas Expresses Relief over Wage Plan


Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas expressed relief on Friday over the approval of the wage hike decree proposed by him, stressing that as soon as the Shura Council issues its verdict it will be published in the official gazette.

“We hope that it will be submitted for publication in the official gazette by Thursday, since it’s before the end of the year and the people will be paid their rights in accordance with the holidays,” Nahhas told As Safir newspaper.

He stressed that his move at the cabinet was “legal.”

On Wednesday, Nahhas pushed his proposal on the wage hike to vote during the cabinet session dealing a blow to Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s agreement with the Economic Committees and the General Labor Confederation on another wage hike proposal.

The new cabinet decision calls for raising the minimum wage to LL868,000 including transportation allowance, while Miqati’s agreement with the business leaders and the GLC suggested it reaches LL675,000.

Nahhas noted that “he can’t predict the Shura Council decision on the issue,” but the cabinet will decide upon the issue in the light of the verdict.

Asked about the parties that opposed his proposal, he said that “it is normal… Especially when everyone is protecting personal their interests.”

The Labor Minister’s step stirred a controversy as his move was described by many as a “political step” aimed at undermining Miqati’s role.

Comments 8
Thumb thepatriot 13 years

Your ego and your Master's ego will take us deeper down the drain...

Thumb thepatriot 13 years

I don't have time to give you a History lesson. But your people always had at least a minority blocking. Actually, it is them who ruled most of the time. They are all equally guilty there... Also I have posted numerous links on studies who evaluated the billions that the syrian regime robbed us as well as the mechanisms. Research the topic before you speak lightly ya rdy.
And finally, I have no Master...unlike you orange people...actually, I used to be one of you...until he returned...

Missing peace 13 years

rudy as patriot said, just go and read researches made by economists on the lebanese debt and stop saying that one man stole the whole country!

you are so simplist in your views, it s such a pity to see a such low thinking... base your comments on facts not on populist slogans!

may i remind you who was governing alonside hariri during the syrian era? your friends weren t ministers at the time? i suggest you to read the archives of and you ll see what your orange puppet used to say about the corruption system and the thefts of the lebanese government made by syria...
or i guess it hurts to remember the past because it contradicts the new point of view of the M8 and would accuse them too...
you don t see what you don t want to see...
so educate yourself then come and give facts not rumors

Default-user-icon L'Internationale (Guest) 13 years

Charbel Nahhas Expresses Relief over Wage Plan that is “illogical” and would lead to “the collapse of the national economy. Then he broke into:
Debout! les damnés de la terre
Debout! les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère,
C'est l'éruption de la fin.
Du passé faisons table rase
Foule esclave, debout! debout!
Le monde va changer de base
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout!

C'est la lutte finale
Groupons-nous et demain
Sera le genre humain...

Stalin was proud.

Default-user-icon zaid (Guest) 13 years

right. is anyone going to discuss the decision to increase wages? or do all the people that visit the site merely engage in moronic accusations against each other? any discussion of the merits of the government's decision?

Thumb jabalamel 13 years

one of the most active member of zionist information war department, "the traitor" has taken economic subject and made politic subject out of it

Thumb thepatriot 13 years

It's political all the way ya ahbal! waky waky...

Thumb jabalamel 13 years

the most active filthy zionist information war nerd is trying to speak to me