2011 Ends without Implementation of Wage Hike Decision
The implementation of a cabinet decision on the wage hike was on Wednesday postponed till next year after the Shura Council failed to issue its stance ahead of the last government session.
The cabinet convened at Baabda palace on Wednesday – its last session for this year - in the hopes that the Council would issue its decision ahead of the meeting. But the Council failed to do so and it was still not clear whether it would approve the wage boost or not.
Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas held talks with the members of the Council after which he told As Safir daily that he hoped the consultative body would approve the government’s decision.
The approval should have come by the end of the year “because I wanted for the Lebanese to receive the raises before the New Year,” he said.
The wage boost was proposed by Nahhas. It calls for raising the minimum wage to LL868,000 from the current LL500,000 – a sum that includes a LL236,000 transportation allowance.
Workers earning less than LL1.5 million receive an 18 percent increase while salaries between LL1.5 million and LL2.5 million receive an additional 10 percent on the second salary bracket. Wages above LL2.5 million will not earn an additional increase.
The raise is effective as of December 1, 2011.
But the proposal has stirred controversy with some officials and the Economic Committees describing it as a decision that would lead to the collapse of the economy.
smelly_demon thank you for the information, I was not aware that Tourism minister Fady Abboud was in a coma and is still taking money from his patents but hey you'd know better. I guess if Fady's boss Michel Aoun can take money from his Imam why not Abboud from his parents, right?
I'm sorry smelly_demom but for a minute there I forgot who I was dealing with. Obviously you post stuff given to you without reading them even if you could. So to explain, you were given this bit to post "anti nahas/M8 commentators are in a coma .. most of them still take money from their parents" look it up about two third down your post. Another thing you probably didn't know we have a minister of tourism in Lebanon his name is Fady Abboud and after he voted, yes voted, for the Nahass bill he made it a point to tell every microphone he found that day, even got to a karaoke machine, that the Nahass bill was going to destroy the economy. Sure sounds like those were anti nahass comments making Abboud, according to your cut and paste, a comatose still taking money from his pappy. If all this is above your pay grade/intellectual capacity get someone to help you comprehend or else live in bliss. Lesson over, class dismissed.
All european politician are doing the same, for example Spain, Portugal, Greek, Ireland... Out politician
ومن الحب ما قتل. لقد كبر الحجر حتى ما يقدر احد ان يضرب به. ما زال يفكر بطريقة اليساريين المتطرفين الذين نشطوا بين طلاب فرنسا في سبعينيات القرن الماضي