Report: Shura Council Considers Cabinet Wage Hike Illegal


The Shura Council has described a cabinet decision on a wage hike as “illegal” after Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas proposed it to the government, knocking down a last-minute deal made between the General Labor Confederation and the Economic Committees, ministerial sources said.

In remarks to pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Friday, the sources expected the Shura Council to refer the decision back to the cabinet.

The Council believes that Nahhas’ proposal is “illegal” and stresses that it does not have the authority to issue a stance on a suggestion made by the labor ministry against the deal made between the GLC and the Economic Committees, the sources said.

Their deal lied on setting the minimum wage at LL 675,000 without the transportation allowance. However, their agreement was dealt a blow when the cabinet approved Nahhas’ proposal of LL868,000 – a sum that includes a LL236,000 transportation allowance.

The government decision also says that workers earning less than LL1.5 million should receive an 18 percent increase while salaries between LL1.5 million and LL2.5 million should receive an additional 10 percent on the second salary bracket. Wages above LL2.5 million will not earn an additional raise.

The raise is effective as of December 1, 2011.

The Shura Council is expected to issue its verdict on the wage hike next week to allow the government to have its final say on it, informed sources told An Nahar daily.

Al-Hayat’s sources said that Nahhas has been informed about Shura’s expected decision. But they stressed that they were not aware of his reaction.

On Thursday, the Economic Committees hoped that the government would retract its wage boost decree and return to the agreement that was reached between them and the GLC.

The head of the Beirut Merchant Association Nicolas Shammas said after holding talks with Premier Najib Miqati at the Grand Serail that his visit at the head of a delegation was aimed at renewing the commitment of the Committees to the agreement.

“We cannot return to negotiations over the wage hike because the deal over the matter has already been reached,” he stressed.

Comments 11
Thumb tabasco 13 years

another blow to the unqualified amateurs of the change & reform !!

Default-user-icon Gudjarat (Guest) 13 years

Unqualified amateurs, Mr. Industrialist? What a failure and a punk.

Default-user-icon jack (Guest) 13 years

I'm glad that the Shura Council headed Mr. Industrialist/Tourism minister/Guinness record book groupie Fady Abboud's warning that the Nahass proposal will destroy the economy and thwart any possible future Guinness World Records mentions unless it's for the total and complete incompetence won by the R&C movement. A collective sigh of relief was heard all over the country as the Shura Council gave Commie relic Nahass a well deserved middle finger.

Default-user-icon jack (Guest) 13 years

I'm glad that the Shura Council headed Mr. Industrialist/Tourism minister/Guinness record book groupie Fady Abboud's warning that the Nahass proposal will destroy the economy and thwart any possible future Guinness World Records mentions unless it's for the total and complete incompetence won by the R&C movement. A collective sigh of relief was heard all over the country as the Shura Council gave Commie relic Nahass a well deserved middle finger.

Thumb chrisrushlau 13 years

I wonder if US news seems as opaque and uninformative as Lebanese news. I assume "Shura" means "Sunni leadership". Why do they oppose the wage deal?
In the US we have the Israel lobby deciding what we shall see in the news media. In Lebanon I assume the filtering is due to the 25% of the population with 50% of the Parliamentary seats: Christians, although that seems an odd word to apply to such a group. Those among the 75% who cooperate with this deal, for fear of the foreign friends of the 25%, are also part of the filtration process.

Default-user-icon ume (Guest) 13 years

chrisrushlau you are an assume, go learn what you are commenting on before doing so your instead of wearing your ignorance proudly like a medal.

Default-user-icon Cihl (Guest) 13 years


The Shura Council is Lebanon's highest court, go make an assume of yourself elsewhere.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (Guest) 13 years


You are a douchebag conspiracy theorist. There are lobbyist yes but nothing of the scale you are implying. Next you'll say the president is an alien from outter space.

Default-user-icon Marabat (Guest) 13 years

This is a joke. I have sent you several times and never post it any,

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (Guest) 13 years

I strongly disagree the Christians in Lebanon are 25%. I think the real figure is closer to 40%, if not more.

Default-user-icon Abdo Subba (Guest) 13 years

chrisrushlau, you're an idiot... Shura council has nothing ot do with religion...