Salameh Ranked Among the World’s Best Central Bank Governors

Governor of Banque du Liban Riad Salameh has been awarded an 'A' rank among 94 central bank governors in the world in the 2019 report of Global Finance, the National News Agency reported on Friday.
Salameh's award is his fourth after the rankings in 2011, 2017 and 2018.
The central bankers of Australia, Kuwait, Morocco, Russia, South Korea, Iceland, Honduras, Mexico and Taiwan have also been awarded 'A' status.

Stick to pushing drugs and stay away from 'monetary' policy.

Congratulations to the shia blablablablablabla for being awarded an 'A' rank for having the deepest and widest luv tunnel and recording the highest number of curious visitors.
He did a huge mistake. He should have floated the leb pound long ago. Now it will be painful...