Jumblat: White Smoke Won’t Emerge Soon on Cabinet Formation

Progressive Socialist Party leader ex-MP Walid Jumblat on Thursday raised doubts a government would be soon formed, despite a format presented by the PM-designate Saad Hariri a day earlier to the president.
“It seems white smoke won’t emerge on a government formation soon,” said Jumblat in a tweet on the controversial formation of the cabinet.
He sarcastically added that “more tests seem needed to adopt the best vaccine to address the crisis.”
On reports that the line-up presented by Hariri came “unfair” to the Druze community, Jumblat said he would “leave it to protectors of the Druze community in Lebanon, Syria and Palestine,” to call for that right.
Hariri presented a 18-minister cabinet lineup to President Michel Aoun on Wednesday.
Lebanese Democratic Party leader Druze MP Talal Arslan slammed the format dubbing it as “unfair for the Druze community.”
In an 18-seat government, the Druze sect is entitled to only one seat, which will likely go to someone close to the Progressive Socialist Party and not Arslan's LDP.
Jumblat expects two ministerial seats in a government.

They are just stalling waiting for Biden to be more lenient on them all... In the background, they are negotiating immunity against stealing less in the future and remaining in power.. they should all be burned alive
Can someone please explain.
P.M.-designate Hariri promised the Lebanese people to form a cabinet of technocrats. So why exactly are various parties complaining about the candidates named.