Iran's FM Abdollahian meets with Nasrallah and Mikati


Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has held meetings in Lebanon with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

In his talks with Mikati, Abdollahian stressed “the need for all efforts to come together to reach a halt to the Israeli aggression against Gaza and to secure fair solutions for all of the region’s countries.”

The Iranian minister also met with Nasrallah and discussed with him “the latest political and security developments in the region, especially in the Gaza Strip, south Lebanon and the rest of the Axis of Resistance fronts, tackling the near future of the situations in Lebanon and the region.”

Comments 1
Thumb gebran_sons 6 months

If Lebanese officials had a grain of self respect they would have locked Iran’s FM in Jail, instead of rolling red carpet while he inspects Iran Foreign Legion in Lebanon. Any country with basic decency would put in jail any party or officials receiving foreign money and any foreigner meddling with local politics. How about this terrorist which government caused untold harm, misery, isolation and radicalism (kiss of death) to all Shiaa communities in the Arab world. He is a curse on Palestinians as arming Hizb and Hamas is what kept Netanyahu in power, prevented 2-state solutions and fermented Gaza misery. Iran’s vulture appetite has not only chanted as Gaza is burning, but caused hundred of billion dollars in damage to Saudi, Egypt and the region economies and development plans. Sadly, while Iranian throughout the world have demonstrated in tens of thousands against this brutal Iranian regime, Lebanese Hizb supporters are cowards kissing the feet of their jailor and inquisitor.