Hezbollah clashes with Rmeish residents over rocket launcher


A clash erupted Tuesday between residents from the southern border town of Rmeish and a group belonging to Hezbollah that was readying to set up a multiple rocket launcher (MRL) within the town’s boundaries, residents said.

According to the residents, a verbal clash broke out between young men from the municipality and a Hezbollah group after which the latter fired two shots in the air.

“The young men then rang the church bell as the Hezbollah group withdrew from the area, amid tensions and gathering by young men in the town,” the reports said.

Kataeb Party chief Sami Gemayel meanwhile commented on the incident by saying: “Full solidarity with our people in Rmeish.”

Hezbollah had activated Lebanon’s southern front with Israel on October 8 in solidarity with the Palestinians and the Hamas Movement following the latter’s unprecedented attack on southern Israel and the brutal war that ensued.

There have been near-daily clashes between Hezbollah and Israel ever since, resulting in the death of at least 326 people in Lebanon, most of them Hezbollah fighters but also 57 civilians.

Tens of thousands of people have also been displaced by the violence in Lebanon's south and Israel's north.

Comments 6
Missing HellAndWaite 1 month

There was Mikati's invasion forces .. Hezbollah, not the enemy to the south, Hezbollah.

Thumb _citizen_ 1 month

such high morals and ethics. Well said, well corrected, and well done.

Thumb i.report 1 month

Illiterate Gabriel01, it’s not merely an“Iranian symbol” it’s stylized representation of the Arabic word, Allah. Have some respect for the Creator.

Mowaten fantoura was a million times more educated than you. RIP Mowaten.

Thumb i.report 1 month

“Remember that whosoever is harsh and falls prey to anger is one whose tongue can in no way speak with wisdom and knowledge. That heart which is quick to anger and loses control of itself when faced with opposition is a heart deprived of wisdom. The lips that spew filth and cannot be restrained are stripped of sophistication and elegance. Anger and wisdom cannot exist in harmony with one another. One who is quick to anger is dense and dim-witted. Such a person will never get success and help in any endeavour. Anger equates to half of insanity, and when it is excessively triggered, it can develop into complete insanity.” (Al Hakam, Vol. 7, Number 9, 10 March 1903, p. 8)

Thumb _citizen_ 1 month

Impressive linguistic abilities clearly demonstrated. Well done, well articulated, and well presented.

Thumb i.report 1 month

Améliore ta confiance en toi : Les attaques envers les autres sont souvent le reflet de nos propres insécurités. Travaille sur ta confiance en toi et apprends à t'apprécier pour ce que tu es.

Exprime-toi de manière plus constructive : Au lieu d'utiliser des mots blessants, cherche des moyens plus positifs de communiquer tes émotions. Trouve des activités qui te permettent de te défouler sans blesser les autres.

En fin de compte, rappelle-toi qu'être gentil envers toi-même et envers les autres est important. En travaillant sur toi-même, tu pourras développer des relations plus saines et plus enrichissantes.