Hamas chief says group studying Gaza truce proposal 'in positive spirit'


Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh said on Thursday the Palestinian militant group was studying a proposal for a truce in the nearly seven-month war raging in Gaza with a "positive spirit."

In a call to Egypt's intelligence chief Abbas Kamel, Haniyeh said he "appreciated the role played by Egypt, and stressed the positive spirit of the movement in studying the ceasefire proposal," according to a statement on Hamas' official website.

Comments 13
Thumb gebran_sons 16 days

PALESTINIANS in Gaza and West Bank deserve a permanent peace based on 2-state solution & vibrant economy integrated with Israel and the region. Arab Israeli enjoy a high standard of living, increasingly integrated within Israel society, especially young generation. Israel needs workers but cannot coexist with Hamas terrorist organization (Arab Taliban) and Iran’s mercenaries that have exploited and abused a whole generation of Palestinians while amassing power and riches for its leaders. Can Hamas fire rockets from Egypt or Jordan? We should round up and put in jail all Hamas leaders in Lebanon, confiscating their riches for rebuilding Gaza. This will bring credibility and respect to our government, becoming the cornerstone of regional peace instead of Banana Republic & Hizb’s puppets. We cannot have Hizb & Hamas criminal organizations running the show while negotiating our sovereignty and land and maritime borders with Syria & Israel.

Thumb i.report 15 days

Beyond the staggering casualties among Palestinians and international appeals for peace, the vision of two states is rendered unattainable by entrenched Israeli opposition, the West's failure to exert meaningful pressure, and political stagnation among Palestinians. Compounding these challenges is the fragmented nature of Palestinian territories, which further undermines the practicality of partition.

Additionally, the historical imposition of the two-state solution without Palestinian consent in 1947 adds to its illegitimacy. Rather than fostering peace, the pursuit of two states perpetuates Palestinian subjugation and grants impunity to Israel's actions, effectively normalizing violence under an apartheid regime. Consequently, the repeated calls for a two-state solution serve to mask the grim reality of an ongoing conflict with no foreseeable resolution.

Thumb gebran_sons 16 days

Hamas or Arab Taliban, is a criminal & beggar organization stealing people’s dignity, freedom & future. Under its oppressive rule, 77% of Gazans lived on foreign aid in poorest & most corrupt city. Aid stolen to build rockets and tunnels while people kept in misery and women in modern slavery, striped of dignity & dreams, reduced to birth machine in a most overpopulated, unemployed and miserable city. Clearly Hamas and UNRWA are guilty of premeditated human abuses and creation of human time bomb using people suffering and misery for political benefits. In contrast Hamas cronies & billionaires (Mashall, Hanieh, Marzook, etc) live in villas & 5-star hotels. Hamas leaders must face international tribunal for crimes against humanity and have their fortunes confiscated for rebuilding Gaza prior to any foreign aid. Lebanon must disarm Hamas and confiscate Hamas properties to compensate its victim and insure no more breeding ground for terrorism.

Thumb gebran_sons 16 days

1. Hamas built no public shelters vs 400 km of tunnels. Generators & supply for tunnels but not hospitals or schools. Oct 7 attack insured Israeli response and heavy civilian death while Hamas fighters hiding underground.
2. Hamas connected hospitals and schools with underground tunnels insuring their attack and civilian sacrifice for political and media benefit. No more cruel crime.
3. Hamas billionaire and millionaire leaders made fortune out of people misery by taxing tunnel counterfeit and fuel, extorting valuable lands, skimming aid and reconstruction funds, and contractors kickback. These fortunes must be seized for rebuilding Gaza prior to any reconstruction aid.
4. Hamas with UNRWA complicity enabled & promoted overpopulation and certain radicalization in most dense, unemployment & miserable City. UNRWA well compensated leaders must face justice for deliberately creating human tragedy for political benefit.

Thumb i.report 15 days

Sadly, you're parroting Israeli occupation forces propaganda. I ask you to provide evidence to everyone that the tunnels, referred to as 'the metro,' are 400km long. While it's acknowledged that there are tunnels here and there serving various purposes, including hideouts, the primary use is for smuggling goods from Egypt.

My argument is based on a recent article from The Guardian titled "'A spider’s web of tunnels’: inside Gaza’s underground network being targeted by Israel."

Thumb i.report 15 days

From Jeff Besos' Washington Post last week : "Israel has not provided evidence to support its accusations that many employees of the main U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees are members of terrorist organizations, according to an independent review commissioned by the United Nations that was released on Monday."

Again, gebran_sons, you're shamelessly parroting Israeli propaganda. I don't believe there are many Hamas sympathizers reading Naharnet, but people deserve honest point of views.

I hope you're getting at least 30 silver shekels for selling out the Palestinians and the UNRWA's fantastic work with limited resources.

Missing phillipo 15 days

Why is it that all international organisations including the UN itself define "refugees" as only people who were forced to leave their homes. So why is it that UNWRA is the only international organisation which declares that the children, of children, of children of the people who left their homes are also refugees.
Just 3 months before the UN resolution to bring about the two-state solution, there was also another exactly the same situation, between India and Pakistan, millions left their homes Hindis to India, Moslems to Pakistan. 76 years later no one claims refugee status and all have been assimilated into their respective countries.
Why is it that Moslems in one region can accept and thrive in the new situation, but others can't?

Thumb i.report 15 days

You proclaim yourselves refugees of 2000 years, yet you are the product of a blend of European populations. Why, then, should Palestinians not be entitled to refugee status, especially considering that many refugees are forcibly displaced? I have a 90-year-old lady residing rent-free on one of my properties; she still holds the keys to her home in Palestine.

You, Philippo, personally owe a debt to me and my family. When do you intend to settle it?

Thumb gebran_sons 16 days

Saudi Arabia is risking Lebanon fate if not immediate actions are taken. As Iran’s assassination of Rafiq Hariri was to torpedo Beirut’s 2002 Arab’s Peace Plan & its prosperity & growing influence with Western leaders; so Iran using Hamas Oct attack to torpedo Saudi peace plan and its growing economic & political clout. Hamas is the dagger Iran used to attack Saudi Arabia and Arab interests while increasing Iran’s hegemony. Hamas enabled Gaza destruction & myriad of civilian victims while hiding underground instead of accepting defeat and exile. It shows Hamas criminal nature of feeding on Palestinian misery & casualties for political gain as it has used Arab and international aid to gain influence. Saudi Arabia must unequivocally condemn Hamas (and evil trilogy) and stop all aid to Palestinians as long as Hamas in charge. This will erode Hamas support enabling 2-state solution & regional peace. Otherwise Vision 2030 will certainly fail!

Thumb i.report 15 days

The future lies with the BRICS... KSA and Iran buried the hatchet with the help of China's Xi. You're still stuck in the past.

As time passes, I'm not even sure Iran was behind Hariri's murder, especially after watching a video from 2007 where General Wesley Clark mentioned 'We're going to take out seven countries in five years,' counting decisions made in September 2001... they had plans for Lebanon.

Anyone can watch it on YouTube.

Thumb gebran_sons 16 days

Hope for Palestinians. Evil Trilogy has been exposed. Over half US Jewish students say Netanyahu committed war crimes and favor 2-state solution. Zero sympathy for racist settlers. Hizbollah exposed as Iran’s mercenaries & foreign legion like Houthis, destroying economy to make Lebanon a Banana Republic & Basij rocket base since long range missiles & drones are easy target. Despot Hamas leaders are exposed as war mongers sacrificing their own people for power & riches, rejected by more & more Palestinians. Not to mention Arab, Europe and US leaders profusely hate this evil trilogy. As to the vultures of Tehran, they have zero friends, viewed as Great Satan by Iranian diaspora & surviving by blackmailing other countries. No better time to get rid of this evil trilogy with Lebanon neutralizing 2 out of 3 as no other country allows armed Hamas or militias. Without arms & camps, Hizbollah & Hamas will wither away if not hanged by their million victims

Missing gebran 16 days

PAL-HATERS. Most so-called Palestinian supporters are actually PAL-HATERS. They never cared about Palestinians but are full of hate towards Israelis. What have the resistance axis, Hizb, SSNP, Assad, Iran, AL-Jadid, Manar done for Palestinian refugees living in miserable conditions? How much have they contributed to their welfare, education, health, UNRWA, safety? NOTHING. They are PURE HYPOCRITS. We know how Assad & company treated refugees. Tons of hate and racism towards Israelis and not a drop of compassion toward Palestinian refugees. Stupid anyone falling for their lies or alligator tears. We need real and permanent solution that dignifies Palestinians and restore their human dignity, ability to work & support their families. Not Hamas & UNWRA model that criminally created a time bomb of overpopulation, unemployed husbands, and oppressed women & children, subject to hateful indoctrination while corrupt leaders live in luxury! They are all blood traders.

Missing phillipo 15 days

If the Arab States were really concerned about the situation of the decendents of the Palestinian refugees, they would have made sure that Ein al-Hilwa camp in Lebanon, Yarmuk camp in Jordan as well as many others around the Arab World would have ceased to exist many many years ago.