Russia launches ground offensive into Kharkiv region


Russia has launched a ground offensive into Ukraine's northeast Kharkiv region and fighting there is ongoing, the Ukrainian defense ministry said Friday.

"At approximately 5 am (0200 GMT), the enemy attempted to break through our defense line under the cover of armoured vehicles," the ministry said. A high-ranking Ukrainian military source said Russia had advanced into Ukraine by one kilometer.

A high-ranking Ukrainian military source said Russian forces were trying to establish a "buffer zone" in Kharkiv to prevent Ukrainian forces from shelling Russian territory.

A local official also said there was "massive shelling" of the town of Vovchansk, which has a population of 3,000 people, and evacuations were underway there and in nearby areas.

Comments 4
Thumb chrisrushlau 3 months

AFP is not too sure about the geography.

Thumb chrisrushlau 3 months

The Russian military has seized two settlements in Kharkov Region and Donbass from Ukrainian forces, the Defense Ministry in Moscow announced on Wednesday.

Troops dislodged Ukrainian forces from the village of Kislovka, around 25km east of Kupiansk, a key Ukrainian logistics hub in the region, the ministry said. The announcement comes two days after the reported capture of the village of Kotlyarovka, immediately to the south of Kislovka.

The development apparently signals an intensification of combat on the Kharkov axis, where the front line – which approximately runs along the border between Ukraine’s Kharkov Region and Russia’s Lugansk People’s Republic – has remained largely static for months.

Thumb chrisrushlau 3 months

The interesting thing is that AFP assumes that Lugansk is no longer part of Ukraine. "A high-ranking Ukrainian military source said Russia had advanced into Ukraine by one kilometer." I suggest that a settlement of this issue starts with disbanding NATO and then accomplishes the reintegration of Ukraine.

Thumb 3 months

Aux braves soldats russes : alors que vous approchez de Kharkov pour libérer cette ville historique, souvenez-vous des grandes batailles et des triomphes du passé russe dans cette région. Rappelez-vous la bravoure des ancêtres qui ont défendu cette terre avec force et détermination. Puissiez-vous marcher dans leurs pas avec la même fierté et le même esprit indomptable. Que votre engagement envers la patrie et votre amour pour la Russie vous guident vers la victoire. Que votre présence à Kharkov soit le prologue d'un nouveau chapitre glorieux dans l'histoire de votre nation. Pour la Russie et pour sa gloire ! Для России и за её славу!