Aoun to Mull his Options after Nahhas Informs him about Intention to Resign


Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas informed Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun about his intention to resign after refusing to sign the transportation allowance decree, media reports said on Tuesday.

Nahhas informed Aoun about his decision to allow the FPM chief to study his options and discuss the issue during the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc meeting on Tuesday afternoon, OTV, mouthpiece of the Free Patriotic Movement, reported.

The TV station denied that Nahhas submitted his resignation to Prime Minister Najib Miqati; however, if the reports were true, then acting Labor Minister Nicolas Fattoush will be required to sign the decree.

The transportation allowance decree is at the center of a dispute between Miqati and Nahhas, who refuses to sign the decision for allegedly being “illegal.”

Local newspapers had said that the labor minister, who is loyal to Aoun, was expected to sign on Tuesday the controversial transportation allowance decree, averting a three-week crisis.

“Nahhas should sign the decree before the parliamentary session (on Wednesday) that will legalize the transportation allowance,” an official source told As Safir newspaper.

Miqati insists on Nahhas to sign the decree linked to a cabinet decision that was approved by the majority of the ministers in January in order to kick start the cabinet sessions. He also stresses that the labor minister’s approval of the decree is the only solution to the crisis.

The premier has suspended the cabinet sessions until Nahhas signs the decree, saying that he expects the ministers to boost their performance and abide by the government’s decision.

Miqati’s sources told As Safir that the labor minister should “respect” the cabinet’s decision before talking about referring the decree to the Shura Council to decide its legality.

According to al-Akhbar newspaper, Speaker Nabih Berri agreed with head of parliamentary finance committee MP Ibrahim Kanaan during a meeting on a solution where Nahhas should sign the transportation allowance decree and refer it to the Shura Council to decide on its legality.

Berri’s sources confirmed to the daily that the labor minister will abide by the decision taken and sign the decree.

The parliamentary session is expected to witness a heated debate, as MPs will discuss two urgent draft laws suggested separately by Change and Reform member Kanaan and al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Nabil de Freij in an attempt to “legalize” the transportation and education allowances decree.

Kanaan, who is loyal to Aoun, told As Safir newspaper that the parliament will set the legal way to end the three-week crisis.

“We have a reformist objective… The result of (Wednesday’s vote) will rectify the defects, which will allow the cabinet to retain its role and position,” he stated.

Comments 12
Missing enough05 almost 13 years

yalla abide ya shater

Thumb jcamerican almost 13 years

The suspense in Lebanon kills me. After wasting all this time, now he wants to resign. This is what I love about Lebanon. One useless and meaningless signature, puts the country on hold for ages. I want to know, how Lebanon was functioning before this bill.

Thumb jcamerican almost 13 years

Plus all this time, the shura council have no idea of what is going on, so they will need time to review it, instead of saying it is ok, sign it dummy.

Thumb jcamerican almost 13 years

If it is illegal for him to sign, then who is the authority to do so? The shura council you might say, then why didn't they have it 3 weeks ago. I just feel too much bullshit goes on from all sides to accomplish almost nothing.

Default-user-icon Minx (Guest) almost 13 years

He would have been better off resigning immediately after the approval of the law by the cabinet, he would've earned the respect of the people (even his opponents) by sticking by his convictions..regardless if they are right or wrong

Default-user-icon Bubba (Guest) almost 13 years

Why did Hezballah, Amal and some Change and Reform ministers approve an illegal bill?

Thumb sophia_angle almost 13 years

after all these decades of occupations since the turks untill the israelo-syrian one, we are used to be governed n not govern...too many directors in one small company will never help it to move on n grow.

Missing vaclav_havel almost 13 years

Honnêtement je suis étonné des résultats de ce ministre "charbel Nahhas"! J'ai pu remarquer que c'est quelqu'un qui a fait les meilleurs études en France. Il est diplômé de LA meilleur école d'ingénieur en France (la fameuse Polytechnique). Personnellement,t j'attendais beaucoup de lui mais malheureusement je vois aucun progrès dans ces ministères que la télécommunication ou le travail. Pourquoi? je ne sais pas...

Default-user-icon Proude lebanese (Guest) almost 13 years

Congrats Dr.Nahas. My guess is that this is the decent thing to do. After all not Mikati nor Sleiman have the right to make you sign an illegal decret. Again: Honor before positions.

Missing vaclav_havel almost 13 years

je crois comprendre du fait que tu t'acharnes à me répondre à chaque fois, que tu as bien décider de descendre à mon niveau qu'est l'"Ignorance". C'est bien de ça que tu m'a traité!
Merci de dialoguer sans montrer de l'arrogance ni de vulgarité parce que je préfère rester dans mon "ignorance" que dialoguer avec "l'arrogance et la vulgarité". à propos du sujet, si comme tu le dis cette personne veut améliorer et travailler il faut bien qu'il démissionne s'il trouve beaucoup d’obstacles à son travail. en tant que citoyen libanais j'attends sa démission et surtout j’attends une explication transparente des causes de sa démission...

Default-user-icon o>o (Guest) almost 13 years

Aoun: We respected the law, and with all respect to Nahhas, no one’s will can overpower the Change and Reform bloc.

The problem is Nahhas, he was trying to overpower Change and Reform bloc.

Missing hasanzibowawa1 almost 13 years

yalla 3al beit ya bakhil