Israel says received Hamas list of hostages for release Thursday


The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel had received a list of hostages, held by Hamas, to be released on Thursday as part of a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.

"Israel received the list of hostages who are supposed to be released from Hamas captivity tomorrow," the prime minister's office said in a statement on Wednesday, adding further details would be given "after the families are updated".

Comments 3
Thumb chrisrushlau 1 month

I hope you've seen video of the four woman Israeli soldiers in the whole process of their being released. They seemed genuinely happy with the whole experience. You can see in the photo here they are smiling beside their masked "captors". They don't look vengeful or even fearful.

Missing phillipo 1 month

They are happy, happily destroying the show that Hamas were trying to put on for the world.

Missing cedars 1 month

I think they were honeymooning in Gaza, I wonder if they filmed their Honeymoon?