Geagea says parties must be in govt., finance can't be given to Shiite Duo


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Friday stressed that there are "good" political parties and bad political parties.

"You cannot treat them equally and political action cannot be right without parties, but no portfolio can become the exclusive right of a party," Geagea said, commenting on the controversy on whether or not PM-designate Nawaf Salam should represent political parties in the new government.

"We will not accept the approach of excluding parties from the government," Geagea added, explaining that "in all societies around the world, political action is based on parties."

"The unity of standards cannot be imposed, and those who dragged Lebanon into war should not be treated like the others," the LF leader said.

As for the Shiite Duo's participation in the government, Geagea said he is not opposed to giving the finance portfolio to the Shiite community, but not to "someone from the Amal Movement or Hezbollah."

He added that the Lebanese people deserve "a competent and active government that meets its aspirations."
