UNIFIL urges 'immediate' probe into vehicle torching, UN coordinator says attack unacceptable

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon on Friday demanded a "full and immediate investigation by Lebanese authorities" Friday after one of its vehicles was torched by Hezbollah supporters on the airport road, wounding its outgoing deputy commander.
"Attacks on peacekeepers are flagrant violations of international law and may amount to war crimes," the UNIFIL peacekeeping force said.
"We demand a full and immediate investigation by Lebanese authorities and for all perpetrators to be brought to justice,"
U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert meanwhile called the attack unacceptable and warned that "such an act of violence threatens the safety of United Nations staff who work tirelessly to maintain stability in Lebanon, sometimes at great personal risk."
"The United Nations remains committed to working with the Lebanese Government and all relevant stakeholders to preserve stability and implement United Nations Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). A full, transparent investigation must urgently be pursued to bring the perpetrators to justice," she added.

The same farm boyz that denied UN peacekeepers to enter their towns in the past are nowadays attacking them.
The UN announced that its presence in Lebanon "is vital for maintaining racism in the region, which is the foundation of US international peace."