Diplomats: International Community Says Lebanon Should Hold onto Taef


The Lebanese political parties have clinched an unannounced deal to keep the security situation under control despite their political differences, diplomatic sources said Sunday.

The sources told the Kuwaiti al-Anbaa daily that despite an “incoherent” politician situation in Lebanon, the politicians have agreed to keep stability amid the violence and the crackdown on protestors in neighboring Syria.

The international community has informed Beirut authorities that Lebanon should remain stable and the power sharing based on the Taef accord should remain intact, the sources said.

They warned that any change in that balance would lead the country to the unknown.

The Lebanese government has announced that it would steer itself clear of the developments in Syria to preserve the country’s stability.

Comments 7
Thumb Chupachups 12 years

it is obvious they want to keep the sectarian system, because if we remove the sectarian system then they might be afraid lebanon will turn into a more extreme country.

Default-user-icon sets heniof (Guest) 12 years

It's to appease the Saudi's. Stop being so narrow minded. It was decided at the Bilderberg Group Meeting held in Haifa, Israel this month (as we speak actually).

Thumb chrisrushlau 12 years

"Extreme" meaning democratic and fair. You know how "the West" (what else does "international community" mean? but what does "the West" mean?) feels about democracy and fairness. An outbreak of democracy and fairness in "the West" could wreck international stability, leading to something terrrible, I can't imagine what it might be.
Dear Lebanon,
This is your father, International Community, wishing you a happy birthday, and I hope you haven't forgotten who you are, who made you, and who can break you.
With love,
Your Father, International Community

Missing hasanzibowawa1 12 years

the problem is not with ending the sectarian system. the problem is with ending the sectarian notion and hatred from the hearts of the people. berri would always bring up ending sectarian to scare the christians whenever they used to call for syrian withdrawal. plus berri has more powers as head of parliament than he ever would have as a president. further, it is much easier for berri and his wife randa and whoever he has married since then to take bribes from people for every little thing that needs to get done in their little kingdom. hence they have become millionaires!

Missing hasanzibowawa1 12 years

other big issue is getting all the hizbullah followers and amal followers to begin to love their country first and their fellow lebanese first rather than they qoran and religious leaders first. short of loving their country first, then it means that all you have done is ended sectarianism on the political office level while the minorities will have to leave or be discriminated against. you cannot have the end of sectarianism when your streets are filled with pictures of religious leaders rather than the flag of your country!

Default-user-icon caring_Lebanese (Guest) 12 years

It's Jumblat who wants the Taef abolished. Jumblat doesn't want the 2013 elections based on proportionality. Jumblat wants any new formula that might give him better representation, but he doesn't knwo that his time is over no matter what....

Thumb benzona 12 years

indeed, I'm a utterly disturbed when I pass by some neighbourhoods full of tags and flags relating to political (hence religious) factions. You never see this in other countries. Lebanon is hopeless...