Packed Cabinet Agenda on Wednesday, Appointments Solution in Early Stages


The cabinet is scheduled to convene at the Grand Serail on Wednesday with a 113-item agenda that lacks the controversial appointments of civil servants to posts in state institutions, media reports said.

The government resumed its functions on Monday for the first time since Feb. 1 when Premier Najib Miqati suspended the sessions after he bickered with ministers loyal to Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun following accusations that he named candidates for top posts reserved for Christians without consulting them.

Wednesday’s session had initially 62 items on its agenda but the ministers failed on Monday to discuss 51 items which led to a packed agenda for the Grand Serail meeting.

Ministerial sources told al-Liwaa daily that the dispute on the appointments of civil servants is being resolved through contacts held away from the media spotlight.

They refused to express optimism, however, saying the exerted efforts were at their early stages.