Franjieh Hopes for Stronger Ties with Bkirki, Al-Rahi Goes into Spiritual Retreat

Marada leader MP Suleiman Franjieh on Thursday congratulated Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on his election and hoped for stronger ties with Bkirki.
“This is the beginning of new relations with Bkirki, and I hope we can cooperate,” Franjieh said after meeting with al-Rahi at the seat of the Maronite church.
While admitting that the Christians have political differences, the MP said Bkirki can unite them. He asked al-Rahi to respect and understand all stances.
Franjieh stressed that President Michel Suleiman “should have a political stance instead of being the judge in this political dispute.”
Asked about ties with Damascus, the Marada leader said: “If the relationship with Syria will harm Christians, then we’re against it.”
Meanwhile, the Maronite Patriarchate Secretariat said in a statement that al-Rahi thanks all those who congratulated him, adding he will go into a spiritual retreat from March 19-25.
The statement said that al-Rahi will continue receiving well-wishers on March 26-27.
A church service will be held on March 25 to mark al-Rahi’s inauguration and the patriarch will celebrate mass on March 27 in Bkirki, it added.
The 71-year-old al-Rahi became patriarch on Tuesday after winning more than two-thirds of the votes of 38 bishops.