German Minister Moves to Calm Circumcision Fears


The foreign minister is offering assurances that Germany protects religious traditions after a court ruled that circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounts to bodily harm even if parents consent.

Last week, a state court in Cologne ruled that the child's right to physical integrity trumps freedom of religion and parents' rights. The ruling was strongly criticized by the head of Germany's Central Council of Jews, Dieter Graumann, who urged Parliament to clarify the legal situation to protect religious freedom. Muslim leaders also expressed concern.

Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said Sunday that a legal debate "must not lead to doubts arising internationally about religious tolerance in Germany."

He said in a statement: "The free exercise of religion is protected in Germany. That includes religious traditions."

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Michael Jansen (Guest) over 12 years

Here we go. The German government is going to buckle under the weight of international criticism.
They should stick to their guns. Circumcision for anybody under the age of 18 is WRONG. The young man should only be circumcised if he himself has chosen to be so.

Default-user-icon HiGh (Guest) over 12 years

yea i don think that any guy over the age of 18 would even consider doing that. But they say that circumcision has some benefits, such as reducing the risk of catching STDs or even HIV so im not against it.