Syrian Regime Blames 'Bloodthirsty Media, Terrorists' for Massacre


Syria's regime blames "bloodthirsty media" and "terrorist gangs" for a massacre in the village of Treimsa in the central province of Hama that rights activists say left at least 150 people dead, state-run SANA news agency said Friday.

"The bloodthirsty media in collaboration with gangs of armed terrorists massacred residents of Treimsa village ... to sway public opinion against Syria and its people and provoke international intervention on the eve of a U.N. Security Council meeting," SANA said.

Russia and Britain have circulated rival texts for the new Security Council resolution addressing the future of the 300-strong U.N. observer force in Syria whose mandate expires on July 20 and the failure of international envoy Kofi Annan's six-point peace plan.

The U.N. sent the unarmed observers to Syria for 90 days to oversee the cessation of violence and monitor implementation of Annan's plan but the team was forced to withdraw from key conflict areas because of escalating fighting.

The Western-backed British draft threatens non-military sanctions against President Bashar Assad's government if it doesn't withdraw troops and heavy weapons from population centers within 10 days — a key plank in Annan's plan. The proposed resolution, however, would be under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter which covers actions the world body can take to deal with threats to peace and conflicts and can be enforced militarily.

The Russian draft resolution calls for the "immediate implementation" of the Annan peace plan and the guidelines for a political transition approved at a meeting in Geneva last month. It makes no mention of sanctions but says the council will assess implementation and "consider further steps as appropriate."

Comments 10
Missing souri over 12 years

Syrians from the region of Hama/Lattakia know why the residents of Treymsa where the massacre happened were targeted. This is an all sunni village which is surrounded by hostile subhuman alawite villages and these terrorists have been wanting to go and attack Treymsa for a while because of their anti-assad views. Similar to what happened in Qubai, Houla and now Treymsa, all these acts are being carried out by blood-thirsty alawites from neighboring villages. The tables will turn very soon, and that I promise.

Missing souri over 12 years

With all due respect lebneneh, try dealing with these animals for a day and you'll know why i'm advocating such a response. Was it wrong for the allies to destroy Hitler's forces and kill or arrest all the Nazis? We're being ethnically cleanesed from our villages because we are Sunni....and by who? By an Iranian backed scourge that represents less than 8% of the population. It's a cancer that needs to be eradicated.

Missing justlebanese over 12 years

darabke w baka saba2ne weshtaka

Thumb benzona over 12 years

The shabi7a no longer responds to the regular Syrian Army. They are above everyone else... sounds familiar with our 'lebanese' hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Tom Kinney (Guest) over 12 years

Is it possible that Syria's Assad has been taking "How to Blame" lessons from President Obama?

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) over 12 years

Why is it that every time a UN Security Council meeting happens to discuss the events in Syria, a massacre mysteriously happens the day before and is blamed on the Syrian Government; in an area where the where the Syrian Army is not present?

Missing allouchi over 12 years

Civil war or not we should help our brothers in Syria in any way we can to get rid of the monster Assad and his cronies...enough is enough...We have to live with our neighbors and they will remember who help and who attacked them...and so will we…

Missing samiam over 12 years

Has the Syrian government ever admitted to doing anything? I suppose the shells they use only hit buildings and magically miss all the people.

I can't believe they would think that anyone would believe the childish garbage that their imagination arm, ie SANA, spews out.

Default-user-icon JC Williams (Guest) over 12 years

These atrocities have occurred on the eve of a UN Meeeting or deployment. The others were also blamed on government forces but subsequent investigations determined that they could not blame the Syrian government since it was predominantky government allies that were killed. Furthermore, government forces were not deployed in these areas. Al Queda does this kind of stuff.It's the trademark of Salafist Sunni terrorists,not Oxford educated Doctors. Hate On Fools. Believe what you want to believe but know this is all disinformation.

Thumb primesuspect over 12 years

ya lateef. Horrible stories, you bring.