Geagea: No Settlement on STL, I Hope Lebanon Doesn't Pay Price of Any Destructive Middle East Confrontation


Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Tuesday that the recent Saudi-Syrian summit did not yield any new results seeing as all parties have already taken a clear stand over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and all matters related to it.

He told the BBC that it is unfortunate that the summit took up such great media attention "because the issue at hand is an internal Lebanese one. It is time that internal Lebanese affairs only be determined by internal Lebanese sides."

He also refuted claims that the indictment in the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri would ignite unrest in Lebanon, asking: "What do the citizens of Beirut have to do with the indictment?"

Addressing U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs Jeffery Feltman's recent visit to Lebanon, Geagea stated that it came as a result of fears sparked by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent trip to Lebanon.

"Of course there are fears of dragging Lebanon into the middle of a large confrontation in the region between Iran and its allies on the one hand, and between the West, Arab moderates, and their allies on the other," he added.

He hoped that a settlement would not be made at Lebanon's expense, saying that the any confrontation that would take place in the Middle East would be destructive.