Alternative Nobels Honor Peace, Human Rights Work


A British anti-arms trade campaign and promoters of peace, human rights and the environment from the United States, Afghanistan and Turkey have been named as winners of this year's Right Livelihood Awards, also known as the "alternative Nobels."

American scholar Gene Sharp, a developer and promoter of nonviolent revolution techniques, will share the €150,000 ($195,000) cash prize three ways with Sima Samar, an Afghan doctor whose organization provides health care and education for the poor, and Britain's Campaign Against Arms Trade.

An honorary prize was awarded to Turkish environmentalist Hayrettin Karaca, who co-founded an international movement that combats soil erosion and protects natural habitats.

The awards, announced Thursday, were founded in 1980 by Swedish-German philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull, to recognize work he thought was ignored by the Nobel Foundation.