Head of Labor Union on Labor Day: We’ll Take to the Streets if New Cabinet Doesn’t Include Reform Plan


Laborers in Lebanon celebrated Labor Day on Sunday through syndicate activity and statements warning of an escalation in their movement should their demands on living conditions continue to be unmet.

President Michel Suleiman congratulated them on the occasion, praising their “efforts and sacrifices for the sake of the nation.”

He hoped that the political, economic, and security stability would be maintained in order that they may continue their work away from burdens on their livelihood.

Head of the General Labor Confederation Union Ghassan Ghosn announced that the laborers have several demands that will be handed over to the new government and that are already in the hands of Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati.

He hoped that the government’s ministerial statement would address their demands and concerns.

“If it does not include a reform plan, then we will take to the streets,” he warned.