Government Formation Reaches Decisive Phase as Suleiman Suggests Granting Qahwaji Interior Ministry


President Michel Suleiman suggested granting Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji the Interior Ministry portfolio in order to end the dispute over this matter, revealed As Safir newspaper on Thursday.

It added that the President’s proposal came as a response to the suggestion to appoint General Paul Matar to the position.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati’s circles told As Safir that the government formation process had reached a decisive phase.

Al-Akhbar however reported on Thursday that contacts between Suleiman and Miqati and between members of the new majority indicate that progress has not been achieved in the formation process.

It explained that Qahwaji’s nomination was part of ongoing efforts to settle the dispute over the Interior Ministry portfolio.

It was made during the passed 48 hours and was presented to Miqati, Hizbullah, and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, the newspaper said.

Parliamentary circles told the daily An Nahar in remarks published on Thursday that the meeting between Aoun and Speaker Nabih Berri on Wednesday was aimed at easing the tensions between the two sides in light or reports of disputes between them.

They said that Berri will not abandon his efforts to overcome the obstacles in the government formation process, adding that the speaker and the MP are aware of the dangers of the ongoing governmental vacuum.

Furthermore, informed sources told al-Liwa newspaper on Thursday that threats to form a one-sided government may be part of a political maneuver by Miqati aimed at pressuring the parliamentary blocs to acquiesce to his demands over the formation process.