MPs File to Quiz Kuwait Premier Over Irregularities

Two opposition MPs on Tuesday filed to question the Kuwaiti premier in parliament over allegations of squandering public funds and financial and administrative irregularities.
The move came just two days after Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammed al-Ahmad al-Sabah, a nephew of the ruler, formed his new cabinet which was strongly criticized by opposition lawmakers.
Veteran opposition MP Ahmad al-Saadun and liberal lawmaker Abdulrahman al-Anjari filed the questioning request, claiming the prime minister is responsible for squandering public funds and hindering the development plan.
OPEC member Kuwait has been rocked by a series of political crises over disputes between MPs and the government.
The Gulf state has seen six cabinets resign and parliament dissolved three times since early 2006 when Sheikh Nasser, a leading member of the ruling family, was appointed a prime minister.
The two MPs submitted the quiz request just minutes after the new cabinet took the oath in parliament and the prime minister issued a passionate appeal for cooperation with MPs.
Around 15 opposition MPs walked out of the parliamentary session when the ministers were taking the oath in protest against the cabinet and also for reappointing Sheikh Nasser as a premier.