Aoun: Govt Formation Domestic Obstacles Gone, I’ve Heard Jumblat Has Backpedaled

Aoun: I've heard that MP Jumblat has started to shift ground and that he is not affiliated with the March 8 camp or the March 14 camp. That makes two of us, but I'm not a centrist. over 13 years
Aoun: Minister al-Hassan is making deals and pledges she is not authorized to make. over 13 years
Aoun: When the government is formed, we will agree on its ministerial Policy Statement. over 13 years
Aoun: The lawsuit filed by Nahhas is independent from the measures taken by the president and there is no contradiction between us. over 13 years
Aoun: Announcing the new cabinet is up to Suleiman and Miqati. over 13 years
Aoun: We will take part in the June 8 parliamentary plenary session. As to the cabinet formation process, when the cabinet is formed, you will know whether I have renounced my demands. over 13 years
Aoun: Mrs. Rayya al-Haffar al-Hassan is committing violations and we consider this very dangerous. over 13 years
Aoun on "Mrs. Maura Connelly's visit to Maj. Gen. Rifi": According to law, Rifi cannot meet any official except in the presence of the interior minister, and we remind Mrs. Connelly to abide by the diplomatic protocols between nations according to the Vienna Convention. over 13 years
Aoun: We remind the justice minister, who was tasked to take legal measures against Rifi, that he should promptly release his resolution so that the case doesn't meet the fate of the issue of "false witnesses." There is also a lawsuit filed by Nahhas with Judge Saqr Saqr against Rifi and Abdul Menem Youssef. over 13 years
Aoun: It is our duty to rebuild the hierarchical, legal structure because authorities should be built upon it. over 13 years
Aoun: The successive authorities have not respected the laws throughout two decades, that's why the State's hierarchical structure has collapsed. over 13 years
Aoun: We demand a probe into why the mobile phone wiretapping and control center is not being operated. over 13 years
Aoun: If foreign obstacles are obstructing the cabinet formation process, we can help them resolve it. over 13 years

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun on Friday noted that “the domestic obstacles hindering the cabinet formation process are gone,” adding that “if foreign obstacles are obstructing the cabinet formation process, we can help them resolve it.”

“When the cabinet is formed, you will know whether I have renounced my demands,” Aoun told reporters after an urgent meeting for his Change and Reform parliamentary bloc.

He noted that “announcing the new cabinet is up to” President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati.

“When the government is formed, we will seek consensus on its ministerial Policy Statement,” Aoun went on to say.

He announced that his bloc will take part in the controversial June 8 parliamentary plenary session called by Speaker Nabih Berri, who has been bickering with the MPs of the rival March 14 camp over the constitutionality of the session.

Addressing the row over the third mobile network, Aoun demanded a probe into “why the mobile phone wiretapping and control center is not being operated.”

“The successive authorities have not respected the laws throughout two decades, that's why the State's hierarchical structure has collapsed,” he noted.

“We remind the (caretaker) justice minister (Ibrahim Najjar), who was tasked to take legal measures against (Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf) Rifi, that he should promptly release his resolution so that the case doesn't meet the fate of the issue of ‘false witnesses,’” Aoun added.

“There is also a lawsuit filed by (caretaker Telecom Minister Charbel) Nahhas with Judge Saqr Saqr against Rifi and (OGERO Telecom General Director) Abdul Menem Youssef,” the FPM leader said, addressing Najjar.

“The lawsuit filed by Nahhas is independent from the measures taken by the president and there is no contradiction between us,” he noted.

Commenting on a recent meeting between Rifi and U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly, Aoun said that “according to law, Rifi cannot meet any official except in the presence of the interior minister.

“We remind Mrs. Connelly to abide by the diplomatic protocols between nations according to the Vienna Convention,” Aoun added.

On the other hand, he said caretaker Finance Minister Rayya al-Hassan “is committing violations and we consider this very dangerous.”

“Minister al-Hassan is making deals and pledges she is not authorized to make,” Aoun said, referring to a deal made between the minister and land transportation unions.

Addressing recent stances by Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat, Aoun said: “I've heard that MP Jumblat has started to shift ground and that he is not affiliated with the March 8 camp or the March 14 camp. That makes two of us, but I'm not a centrist.”

Comments 10
Default-user-icon nonreligious (Guest) over 13 years

Aoun. Please stopit. You know whats going on dont play games.
Every single one of you is stalling and just playing games. All of you got orders from the ones paying you top dollars to stall the Gov. It all depends on the situation in Sirya. You all are double agents. You get paid from here and from there. Wikileaks will publish soon who is on the CIA payroll in Lebanon.
Get ready.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) over 13 years

u have to run faster mon general,it's shaking now.
bilad el arz prevailed.

Default-user-icon whataboutbob (Guest) over 13 years

Hey zxc, here is “some” advice for you: go and look up the definitions of illiterate and oxymoron in "some book" called a dictionary before you make a comment. Your cultured comments, as well as, your advice concerning reading “some book”, are truly eloquent.
P.S. Just in case you missed it, the last sentence is an example of someone being facetious! Look that up as well.

Thumb anonymouslb over 13 years

“I've heard that MP Jumblat has started to shift ground and that he is not affiliated with the March 8 camp or the March 14 camp. That makes two of us, but I'm not a centrist.”
I wish you really were not affiliated with any camp, but fought them both for what they stand for: corruption, theft, treason, murder, debt, collaboration... the 8.14 cancer killing Lebanon

Default-user-icon Thomas Boulod (Guest) over 13 years

How convenient those recurring urgent Change and Reform parliamentary bloc.meetings every Friday, they nicely coincide with the demonstrations in Syria.They remind me of when the Syrians used to order Hezbollah to launch attacks on the Israelis to coincide with every single time Aoun had a TV interview from his exile in Paris, so that the medias would have something other than Aoun to talk about the next day; I guess that's Aoun's job now to cover for the Syrian regime.Patriarch Rahi was correct when he said that Aoun is a tool and he's being put to good use.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

- GMA is the master of the game . Patriarch RAÏ and President Sleiman have today the same requirements as the Old Lion of Rabié : amendment of Taef accords and more prérogatives to the Présidency . No government without all GMA's right demands and rights .

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) over 13 years

please Mr zxc... When Talking about illetrate and before U try and make comments about others... And how they should go and read books... The word is "illiterate" Mr. Smart guy. Thanks Just wanted to help whataboutbob in explaining things for U.

Default-user-icon Simon Hokayem (Guest) over 13 years

"if foreign obstacles are obstructing the cabinet formation process, we can help them resolve it.”
Please do!

Thumb Naharnet over 13 years

Mansour, we never delete posts based on opinion. You are free to post what you think!

However, your post was deleted for abusive language and this will not be tolerated. Whether we agree with you ot not is irrelevant! The important thing is to express yourself in a respectful manner.

Missing mansour over 13 years

The only abusive language I use calling those syrians and palestinains grubs which they are......I don't swear or mention religions, so actually I'm the one being polite calling them just grubs.thank you