Suleiman Hopes Miqati Would Form Cabinet before June 8


Premier-designate Najib Miqati did not propose a cabinet line-up to President Michel Suleiman during their meeting on Friday but the head of state hoped that the government would be formed by mid next week, presidential sources told As Safir daily on Saturday.

The sources expressed optimism at the latest consultations aimed at forming the government. They expected results soon if the “positive atmosphere” remained.

While denying that Miqati proposed a line-up to Suleiman, the Baabda palace sources told As Safir that the prime minister-designate is still following up some issues linked to the formation.

The sources said Suleiman hoped that Miqati would form the government before a scheduled parliamentary session on June 8.

Speaker Nabih Berri is insisting on holding the session to renew the mandate of Central Bank governor Riyad Salameh. But the March 14 forces oppose such a move for fears that Berri would grant parliament executive authorities.

It is not yet clear what the stance of Suleiman is from the issue. But he seems to be calling for the quick formation of the cabinet to settle the crisis and avoid a clash between the March 8 and 14 forces.