Geagea Hints that Jumblat Should Review his Stance, Form New Majority

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has said that the cabinet crisis would be solved only if some blocs reviewed their stances and formed a new parliamentary majority.

“There is no possibility to end the crisis unless some parliamentary blocs reviewed their stances and formed a new majority that quickly works on holding things together by forming a cabinet and filling the current void,” Geagea told the Saudi Okaz daily published Saturday.

The LF leader seemed to be hinting to Walid Jumblat’s National Struggle Front which in January transferred the parliamentary majority from the March 14 forces to March 8 when it named Najib Miqati for the premiership.

Asked about fears by Speaker Nabih Berri about the return of the spate of assassinations to Lebanon, Geagea said: “I haven’t received warnings from official Lebanese security apparatuses … but there are no signs that political assassinations would return.”

The kidnapping of the seven Estonian tourists in March and the roadside bombing that targeted U.N. peacekeepers last week, were behind expectations about the return of the spate of assassinations, he said.

“I think that if security incidents take place, they would target international troops or foreigners in general in an attempt to pressure European countries not to impose further sanctions against the regime of (Syrian) President Bashar Assad,” Geagea added.

Asked if Lebanon was under threat politically and security wise as the indictment of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon is nearing, he said the country is already at the edge of the cliff.

“It is clear that the indictment will be issued at this stage so I don’t think that its release would lead to a security crisis,” Geagea told Okaz.

He warned March 8 that resorting to the streets won’t abolish the indictment, which is reportedly expected to name low-ranking Hizbullah officials for involvement in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case.

Comments 9
Missing roger over 13 years

March 8 will not be able to form a cabinet.

Default-user-icon Rajeh (Guest) over 13 years

This anti-Christian must be silenced. He is even opposing Patriarch Al Rahi, who he predicted was going to be tougher than Sfeir! min addak ya 7akim?

Missing bigdigg over 13 years

Rajeh, do you mean anti-Christian or the Antichrist?! ;)

Default-user-icon Simon el Hokayem (Guest) over 13 years

Can we wait any longer?!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

Since we have a new Patriarch in Bkirki , and since the Overthrow of Cardinal Sfeir by his holiness Pope Benedict , Samir Geagea is left alone in the maronite corner without any considerations to his person or his false and wrong politics , that he practiced against the maronites and the Christians in Lebanon since Taef , with the blessing of ex Patriarch Sfeir .

Patriarch RAÏ is the right person to the Christian Maronite Church , he came in the right time , along with GMA " the political Patriarch " they will both do the job , and will give back the Presidency its stolen Prérogatives , and the Christians their missing rights since Taef .

Geagea and Sfeir belong to the past , they wrote a very DARK page in the history of the Maronites , the Christians and the Lebanese in Lebanon , for the last 20 years .

Default-user-icon Seamus (Guest) over 13 years

Geagea is a butcher and should still be in prison. Having a man of his low character and morals is insulting to the Lebanese people.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) over 13 years

Le Phoenician and Seamus , reading both of your convincing comments shows good indications that you really understand politics ..May god bless you cause I really do think that you are belong the endanger species

Missing robert over 13 years

If Geagea was a butcher?! for once prove it or shut up, and I don't thing we need a coward like Aoun In witch I can prove it more that a hundred time. Anyway everything is changing around as but you blind can't see it. Allah Kbir.... The truth will explode in your face...

Default-user-icon Milo (Guest) over 13 years

Please tell me who of these characters that do not have blood in their hands,? Why call Geagea a butcher? Aoun escaped to Paris after thousands died for his cause..Amal and Hizbo collide and how many died?????..Hezbos war with Israel to capture their soldiers and ask in return foe Samir cantar, how many died and lost their property???? You know, I say 7mar l byil7a2 za3eem ow tarbooshi b hel bs ad..