Optimism Surrounds Government Formation: Maneuver to Oust Miqati?


Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati’s meeting on Saturday with Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s advisor, Huessin Khalil, was limited to generalities over the rules that need to be adopted in the formation of the new government, reported the daily An Nahar Sunday.

It added that Miqati has not yet received from Hizbullah and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun their ministerial candidates.

For its part, Miqati's press office said later Sunday that "the PM-designate has not received until now the names of any candidates from some blocs and any claims otherwise are aimed at concealing the truth."

“PM-designate Miqati insists on avoiding any debate with anyone, as his priority is to form the cabinet, and all sides should translate the positive intentions into action,” it added.

The latest breakthrough in the Cabinet formation lies in Aoun’s acceptance to acquire ten ministers, including eight portfolios and two positions for the state minister position.

Aoun had previously rejected such a suggestion.

However, the MP is still insisting on having a say in naming the sixth Maronite minister and on maintaining the Energy and Telecommunications Ministries, with Charbel Nahhas continuing in his position as Telecom Minister.

Reports had previously said that Aoun and Miqati had reached an agreement that the former would maintain the Telecommunications Ministry on condition that Nahhas would be replaced.

Miqati’s circles have meanwhile stressed the need for optimism, but they insisted that this should be met with practical practices on the ground through allowing the premier-designate the freedom to choose a suitable minister among a list of candidates presented to him by various blocs.

They have voiced concerns however of FPM MPs’ possible persistence to their claim that the political blocs have the right to assign ministers to portfolios of their choosing, in what Miqati’s circles said is a new attempt to undermine the PM-designate’s privileges.

New majority sources have voiced fears to the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat Sunday that Hussein Khalil and Speaker Nabih Berri’s advisor, MP Ali Hasan Khalil’s latest maneuvers are aimed at portraying Miqati as the main obstacle in forming a government, should he go back on his agreement with Aoun.

If they go ahead with this mission, then they would likely search for his replacement, who could be a Sunni figure that does not have foreign commitments.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

- Mustafa SAAD or Abdel Rahim DIAB or Mohamad SAFADI and many more Sunni figures , will do the job without any obstacles or commitments .

PM Mikati has reached a dead end . He has till Wednesday 8 , to form his government , If not , he will be replaced by political ways and means , even If Taef doesn't allow that replacement and doensn't fix a limited time to the designate PM to form his government ...

At the end of the day , GMA will have all his rights .

Missing bigdigg over 13 years

Of course political blocs have the right to assign ministers to portfolios of their choosing. This is how it has been since ever.

Default-user-icon Toufic (Guest) over 13 years

Of course they have the right to name their ministers. Come on mr. Miqati...even a dummy in politics knows what a coalition government means. After negotiating shares, each party names it's minister. The prime minister can object if he believe that the minister is not qualified or skilled for the job else he cannot refuse. The bloc is responsible for the failure of a minister and will request replacing him/her by another one. Miqati stop playing. It is simple, u can turn the table and form it with m14 if u wish by changing the coalition.. Straight forward. Enough games..

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (Guest) over 13 years

ha ha Le Phenicien, it's osama saad and abdel rahim mrad you meant to say. Ignorance quand tu nous tiens...

Missing toivas over 13 years

Fuziyad: isn't Abdel Rahim Diab a ktichen appliance seller? ignorance indeed!

Default-user-icon BD is right! (Guest) over 13 years

I agree with BD this is how it has been since ever. For example from 1990 to 2004 the Syrians assigned portfolios to ministers of their choosing. Ministers with unlikely names like Wahhab, Kanso, Hardan, Frangieh, Mrad, Arslan, Pakradoni, Samaha.They even let Aoun chose one of his five ministers the last time, the Armenians picked theirs, Marada theirs and Aoun chose his son in law.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) over 13 years

I like that the write refers to "FPM circles" and "Mikati circles" and so forth. It is accurate. All they do is circle like airplanes in a holding pattern and never land anywhere.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

Tu marques un point .. ! Et si je te disais que j'ai fait exprès de mettre des faux noms !! rien que pour voir si quelqu'un les connaissait à ces deux premiers ministrables inconnus au bataillon de Dar el Fatwa et sans Pay Roll !?!

Mais tu marques un point quand même cher Fuziyad .

Default-user-icon simon hokayem (Guest) over 13 years

Who's next? if so!

Default-user-icon aloush (Guest) over 13 years

shiite bro finincien u r embarrassing the whole husseiniya and the imam as well, u first claim that u mangled the names on purpose then u admit he scored a point. it's one or the other dude what's wrong with u, u r useless truly useless.

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (Guest) over 13 years

Dis donc petit Phenicien on dirait que tu es devenu un peu plus calme. C'est le stress par rapport au sort reservé à ton Maitre à Damas? Je t'avais bien dit que tout ca finirait à la haye. Fallait pas parier sur le mauvais chameau...