Phalange MPs to Provide Conditional Quorum to June 8 Parliament Session


Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel announced that the party’s MPs would be willing to participate in the June 8 parliamentary session on condition that its schedule be restricted to the topic of extending the term of Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh.

This position was revealed a couple of days after he had met with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on Thursday night as part of the MP’s “centrist” efforts to overcome the obstacles in the government formation.

Earlier this week, Gemayel had announced after holding talks with Speaker Nabih Berri that it would be unacceptable for parliament to assume the responsibilities of a government, voicing his then opposition to taking part in Wednesday’s session.

He told An Nahar daily in remarks published on Sunday that he is in constant contact with Jumblat, revealing that their latest meeting was aimed at maintaining communication and discussing matters of interest for Lebanon away from the political divisions.

He said that they shared the same view of needing to fortify Lebanon from any negative repercussions from the regional developments, especially developments in Syria, because Lebanon cannot benefit from meddling in the affairs of other countries.

Gemayel added that he respects Jumblat’s decisions, stressing that the Phalange Party “will not change its position and it is not requesting the MP to alter his stances despite its reservations over his allies’ practices.”

On the June 8 parliamentary session, the Phalange Party leader stated that an agreement was reached with Jumblat that the meeting should be restricted to one article.

Comments 8
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

Cheikh Amine and the Kataeb , are no longer with March 14 . They are in the middle , what they call " centrists " like Joumblatt , the President and the designate PM !! They are trying to form a political force between March 8 and 14 , but this will not work .

Riad SALAMÉ 's Mandate will not be renewed as a Governor of the Central Bank for many reasons .!! There is another candidate for the Job .

Default-user-icon Butgen (Guest) over 13 years


Default-user-icon mowatin 3adi (Guest) over 13 years

kataeb and jumblat want to be centrist . the devil and the criminal want to be centrist . funny!!
they will do anything to keep them in business i guess.
what hurts is they still have followers .(shamefull)

Missing undefined over 13 years

I'm bored of lebanon politics. I'm bored of its politicians. Bored of its sheep-minded population which allows itself to be manipulated by these incapable politicians. I'm bored of potholes on the streets, poor quality asphalt, lack of electricity, clean water, sewage in the sea, unbreathable beirut air, lack of rule of law, terrible drivers and policemen who don't implement traffic laws, and shallow people who think what car they're driving or what they're wearing or where they're seen defines them and their social status. But most of all, I'm hurt by saying the above. Someone please, PLEASE, show me there is still hope.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) over 13 years

Its a bad move that is being attempted for a good cause, but a bad move nonetheless. M14 and its constituent members stand for the rule of law, the constitution and the integrity of the state institutions.

The move to empower the parliament to act without a government cuts against all three principles of the M14 and of constitutional government.

Even the Syrians used the figleaf of an amendment to the constitution before they extended the 6 year term of Lebanon's president. Shall the constitution be totally ignored in order to extend the term of the president of the bank?

It is a Trojan Horse that is being marched in by Jumblatt. A crack in the door through which whatever is left of constitutional government will fall with the void created in its wake ready to be filled with whatever is in Nasrallah's head, a Lebanon as he imgines it, which is a nightmare for us all.

Missing bigdigg over 13 years

@Beiruti: whatever was left of the State already fell down when M14 hero Ashraf Rifi disregarded his minister's orders as well as the orders of the President of the Republic. So as an obvious M14 supporters, you are not in a good position to lecture on preserving the State.

Default-user-icon كميل سعادة (Guest) over 13 years

لأنكم يا فخامة الرئيس تحملون هم الوطن والمواطن لأنكم تحملون على أكتافكم تاريخ نضالي لأنكم حملنم الوجع وتعرفون الثمن ؛خطوتكم مباركة وحماكم الله

Default-user-icon جورج (Guest) over 13 years

لم أعد أفهم شو بدو الشيخ أمين
ألا يعرف أن 8 آذار لن يتغيروا أو يقتربوا منه سنتمتر واحد. كل ما يقوم به هو إضعاف ثورة الأرز
الله والوطن والعائلة يسامحوه