Moussawi: Need to Speed up Cabinet Formation to Thwart March 14’s Destructive Agenda


Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Nawwaf Moussawi stressed on Sunday the need to speed up the government formation process in order to save the country from the March 14 camp’s “destructive agenda.”

“The main motivation behind the government change was to prevent the March 14 camp from leading the country towards sectarian strife over the indictment in the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri,” he said.

“The indictment is nothing but an American-Israeli tool to force the Lebanese to fight each other,” the MP stated,

“Therefore, when we placed with our allies the basis for the governmental change, we were serious in forming a government that can save Lebanon from the abyss of sectarian strife,” he stressed.

Moussawi added that the majority of obstacles in the government formation have been overcome.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon Ali (Guest) over 13 years

Another self-centered waffler with the same rhetoric. Anything and everything for him and his masters is an american plot....! What a pity people such as him still find audience who applaud and listen to his verbal diarrhea. Nobody ruined Lebanon more than Hizbullah and its thugs; all under the pretext of resistance. What resistance may I ask. Resolution 1701 effectively ended any armed resistance north of the Litani river and since 2006 the only resistance we have seen had been on the streets of beirut. Enough theatricals..... !

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) over 13 years

So then, Mr. Moussawi, why is there no government, still? This is pure hogwash coming from this guy. M14, when it lost its parliamentary majority stepped to the side, neither assisting nor hindering the "new majority" from forming a government. The only obstacle has been Aoun and he gets his orders from the master of them all Syria.

And Moussawi worries about sectarian strife? Is that is worry? Let him then tell his master Bashar Assad who is fanning the flames of sectarian strife in Syria in a futile attempt to save his regime. What Assad is doing to incite sectarian strife which will spill out of Syria when the regime falls, is much more dangerous than the STL. The STL has a cause, to bring justice to a murder. Assad is bringing the region murder to justify himself.

And Moussawi was in front demonstrating in support of Assad. This guy is not credible, he professes to justify himself and be against that which he perpetuates by his every action.

Default-user-icon !Andale! (Guest) over 13 years

"Need to Speed up Cabinet Formation to Thwart March 14’s Destructive Agenda" said the man who called the resistance more important that national unity. Is Mr Qassem's agenda not destructive then, you know the one he informed us of a few days ago that calls for his Shiite Islamic resistance to exclusively keeps it's arms untill the problem of Israel’s existence is resolved".. or he get's his Islamic Republic under Shari3a law is born whichever cames first. Of couse the resistance arms gives it the right to decide the long term policy for Lebanon on it's own, if you dare to disagree it will kill you.

Default-user-icon Bananarepulica (Guest) over 13 years

Best way to avoid secterian strife is NOT to go on assassinating your political opponents.
Guys like you should go back to your long family tradition of moving around suitcases at the airport.

Default-user-icon Rami1 (Guest) over 13 years

Remember wahdat elmassir with Bashar?
Well pack your bags, they got you a bed & breakfast ready in Kom.
I love to wave goodbye to both of you.
We will miss your semmawi comments

Default-user-icon earth to mawwaf (Guest) over 13 years

The usual look in Moussawi's eyes is reminiscent of one previously seen in the eyes of similar true believers a few days before they consumed their grape flavored Flavor Aid in a field in Jonestown, Guyana and others before they gobbled up their pudding cups and strapped on their Nike Windrunners in sunny Rancho Santa Fe as they rushed to meet a space craft trailing the Hale Bopp comet.

Default-user-icon Neal (Guest) over 13 years

is this guy Lebanese?

Default-user-icon whoopi goldberg (Guest) over 13 years

I think the designation Moussawi on the Lebanese ID card means Jew. Mawwaf on the other hand means I've smashed my head on the floor so hard I pierced the carpet and bloodied my forehead now I can't get up.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) over 13 years

u don't have the majority anymore,ur mikati strike was falso...

Default-user-icon Ibn el Nimer (Guest) over 13 years

The only destructive agenda is the one of Hezballah and the FPM.
You will be going bye bye soon.

Default-user-icon ZOZO (Guest) over 13 years

Can someone teach this guy and his CLAN (at least the MP's and other Officials) that the Positions they hold require them to wear a tie. I'll teach them how if need be...