Suleiman Prepares ‘All Necessary Steps’ to Renew Salameh’s Term


President Michel Suleiman has prepared all the necessary steps to renew the term of the Central Bank governor Riyad Salameh “at the right time”, An Nahar daily reported on Monday.

The newspaper said that Suleiman is still giving the new cabinet the priority to renew Salameh’s term once it’s formed.

In case the formation is delayed, he will call for an extraordinary session for the caretaking government with the single article of the renewal on its agenda, An Nahar remarked.

Information obtained by the newspaper assured that there is a “general consent” on this step that the president suggested after consulting legal experts.

Concerning the adoption of “mobile draft-laws,” the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat quoted sources as saying on Monday that “if the draft-law requires the signature of 20 or 21 ministers to become effective-- which is two-thirds of the cabinet members-- why don’t we hold a ministerial session where the central bank’s governor term is extended?”

Comments 2
Default-user-icon teacher (Guest) over 13 years

Renewing Salameh's term is a major mistake. He was ordered by R Hariri to defend the LL/USD parity and protect the interest of a thugs and mafia through their investments without thinking about the purchasing power of the population.

As G. Corm said, not so long time ago, we were able to decrease the LL/USD to around 500 LL for one dollars, but this plan was averted, as some "millionnaires" did not want to loose some part of their fortune in USD and harbored in Lebanon

Shame on them

Default-user-icon Carl Sakr (Guest) over 13 years

Regardless if Ur remarks are true or not the only conclusion is to question where does the legitimacy of the government come from it is for sure not from the people maybe from the Iranian city of Qom or the Saudi Arabian Kingdom.
The problem with lebanese politicians is that they know the people doesn't want them therefore they try to get their legitimacy by holding the tail of mighty neighbors that is why they tend to steal public belongings without fearing the people retribution