Hizbullah: Equation of People, Army, Resistance is Foundation for Defense Strategy


The Loyalty to the Resistance bloc praised on Wednesday Speaker Nabih Berri’s “bold national stand” that helped establish a new government.

It said in a statement after a meeting headed by MP Mohammed Raad: “With the formation of a new government, the country has entered a new phase rife with challenges that require different policies that would be able to revitalize all state institutions and fields.”

“A serious national approach is the only way to end obstacles,” it stressed.

“Lebanon will remain a nation of diversity, unity, and freedom,” it added.

“It will continue on confronting Israeli aggression and the equation of the people, army, and resistance will serve as the foundation for a national defense strategy,” the bloc stated.

Shortly before the announcement of the new government lineup, Berri agreed to sacrifice the representation of a Shiite minister in favor of a Sunni one.

Comments 6
Default-user-icon Sarita Gonzalez (Guest) over 13 years

with the classic argument of DEFENDING OF ISRAEL, Lebanon and his citizen, will form part, from now, of one ARMED STATE what will include civilians into the long lines, so living under this conditions, the terms and conditions about eternal war will be the bread of day

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (Guest) over 13 years

The truth is simple. Iranian freedom is hijacked by the Basij, Syrian's by the Mukhabarat, and Lebanese by Hizbollah... and all using the same pretex of fighting Israel while in fact are tools of oppressive tyrants... little they know that tyrant in our region from Khadafi to Ahmadinajad are living on borrowed time regardless how much fake public support their money can buy! Anyone who believe that Hizbollah that was created, funded, armed and indoctrinated by Iranian radicals is working for the interest of Lebanon or the Shia community must have his head examined. It is nothing more than Lebanese Basij created to protect the Iranian regime at any cost similar to the role of Kataeb Khadafi in protecting Khadafi at any cost. Sadly, all tyrants will destroy their country before ceding power, especially when surrounded by profiteers and useful idiots. Lebanon must be prepared for the dark period ahead before we reach the safe shores of real freedom and democracy.

Missing joseph over 13 years

how do we write it? I tried it on my calculator
people + army + resistance = national defense strategy = -E
People + army + national defense strategy = Good resistance
(people - resistance) + army = good national defense strategy (much better)

Default-user-icon Lancelot DuLac (Guest) over 13 years

What kind of equation from the 1970s Terrorist Handbook is that? This is the kind of stupid propaganda-for-morons that actually reassures me. Hizbullah's brand of politics has no future. Just give people more education, more democracy, more internet. Shiites will finally wake-up to the sad reality that this terrorist group is enforcing through cash and weapons fron another dead-end regime.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) over 13 years

So ashamed as a Lebanese being represented by Hizbullah goverment....

Thumb shab over 13 years

A bunch of necktie deniers. How low can you go ?