STL: Release of Indictment Has Nothing to do with Developments in Lebanon


Special Tribunal for Lebanon spokesman Marten Youssef stated that Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen is still studying Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare’s indictment, stressing that the release of the indictment has nothing to do with the developments in Lebanon and the region.

He told Sada al-Balad in remarks to be published on Friday that the beginning of the trial proceedings are connected to the release of the indictment and the amendments that were introduced to it.

In addition, he said that the defense should be given enough time to study the evidence and indictment before the beginning of the trial.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) over 13 years

What indictment , what STL .. !! Stop this Comedia del arte , enough with your so called Mahkama .. Hariri is no longer in Lebanon and will neverrrrrrr come back or hear anything about Mahkama or Lebanon ..

Default-user-icon Anid Jean (Guest) over 13 years

Phenicien should change your name to Syrien. Its an International instance not a syrian iranian meaningless institution. Michel Aoun accused Syria of all assasinations live on french TV,and called to put Syria on trial via the SAA in Washington. So? What changed except personal interests and becoming a tool to the axis of evil? Vous êtes aveugles tarés ou alzheimer?

Missing mansour over 13 years

Le Phenicien you guys can run around like headless chickens and claim STL means nothing,Serbia said and did the same thing once the international court gives its judgement whether you like it or not they become international fugitives cant travel anywhere.Maybe Aoun can use the tunnels Hassan uses to go to Syria :)
Le Phenicien explain to me how Aoun goes to the U.S congress back in 2003 i think and says Syria should be held to war crimes against Lebanese and then in 2005 ,but once he arrived in Lebanon his tune change. im yet to understand it please explain it to me like im a sheep follower as you are.Thank you