Ali Says 'Terrorist Countries' Targeting Resistance, Syria


Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali said on Wednesday that some country's that support “terrorism” are responsible for the campaigns targeting the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance and Syria.

“Their endeavors will not change anything,” Ali said after talks with Caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour at the Bustros Palace.

He pointed out that he discussed with Mansour the conditions along the Syrian-Lebanese border and the latest developments.

Mansour slammed the Arab League role, considering that it became part of the assault on Syria.

The diplomat called on the Arab countries that “still have a conscience” to realize the plot against his country.

An extraordinary meeting of Arab foreign ministers will be held next week, to define the Arab position ahead of a peace conference scheduled for mid-June in Geneva.

The Damascus government's membership of the Arab League was suspended in November 2011 after it rejected calls to end violence against protesters and instead pressed a bloody crackdown on dissent.

Asked about Hizbullah's engagement in battles in the strategic Syrian border town of Qusayr, Ali noted that the Lebanese resistance played a major role in liberating occupied land.

Hizbullah has lost dozens of fighters in its bid to help the Syrian regime regain control of the town near the Lebanese border, and its involvement is threatening to draw Lebanon ever deeper into the Syria conflict, raising domestic tensions.

Hizbullah's involvement in the fight has already stirred international condemnation, with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon saying he was "deeply concerned" by the group's role.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog says more than 94,000 people have been killed since the Syrian uprising began in March 2011.

Comments 7
Missing maroun almost 12 years

the master Terrorist accusing others of been Terrorist.the sad thing there are many who believe him.

Thumb jcamerican almost 12 years

It takes one to know one.

Missing peace almost 12 years

but you are a "terrorist" country... LOL aoun kept saying that for decades... or maybe he was wrong thus a liar? LOL

Default-user-icon mazen (Guest) almost 12 years

well, for once the man is right. France, Belgium., and other "civilized"countries are shipping
their homebred fundementalists to fight the state institutions of Syria. They have not learned from the Afghani fiasco, nor from Iraq. destroying state institutions (army etc) will lead to chaos and violence for decades to come! However Syria is no Afghanistan, violence will spill over to Europe. Wait and see what those "euro" Mujahedien will do once they return home!! They will not stage riots burning garbage cans, they will place car bombs, and suicide attacks!

Thumb benzona almost 12 years

this will happen to Bachar and Nasrallah

Thumb benzona almost 12 years

ل و ل

Missing peace almost 12 years

no comment from FT or mowaten on this? LOL....